so we'd spread love like violence; ♥
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♥ rai·son d'ê·tre (rā'zōn dět'rə,) {존재 이유}n. pl.reason or justification for being or existence 나는
![]() naomi jung 서여정, 三浦 なおみ 29 june 1992 ngee ann poly mass communications Rorsharch ink blot Pianist J Tune Entertainment & ooooh, Rain 비 = ♥
Heart of God Church ♥ b41
/more about me 나의 남편!
정지훈/Rain/Jihoon - the husband. 용어
Ajumma (아줌마) : Auntie 할말!
♥ Heart Of God Church 명사
♥ Abingdon Boys School 블로그
Blogs I read: 주크박스
11월 2005 12월 2005 1월 2006 2월 2006 3월 2006 4월 2006 5월 2006 6월 2006 7월 2006 8월 2006 9월 2006 10월 2006 11월 2006 12월 2006 1월 2007 2월 2007 3월 2007 4월 2007 5월 2007 6월 2007 7월 2007 8월 2007 9월 2007 10월 2007 11월 2007 12월 2007 1월 2008 2월 2008 3월 2008 4월 2008 5월 2008 6월 2008 7월 2008 8월 2008 9월 2008 10월 2008 11월 2008 12월 2008 감사
Layout: vehemency |
수요일, 4월 23, 2008, 6:02 오후
` 995; - definitely, maybe![]() Watched this with Uthara just now and it was... not my kind of romantic comedy. *Spoilers* 1) I don't understand WHY ON EARTH everyone sleeps around in this kind of "romantic comedy" shows. Ugh. Romantic doesn't mean sex. Well. 2) The ending was BLEAH! Why must he end up with April when he has a kid with Emily?! And come on, if you don't like someone and it's just the spur of the moment, why have a kid with her in the first place? ): Don't watch it unless you're one of those people who love sappy sappy complicated affairs with a kid. :/ * Beethoven... I must learn to love Beethoven... playing a different type of piece than what you normally play is like dating a guy whom you have never met. In order to join competitions I will have to be flexible in the different genres... cannot stick to one too much! I have been going out with Chopin for very long now... it's time to break away from Romanticism to Classical... I shall master Beethoven! Oooh, grand piano! I shall finish Diploma 3rd level and become the first South East Asian to do so! But must complete Grade 8 first... Technique... tonality... :/ 라벨: horseradish 화요일, 4월 22, 2008, 7:42 오후
` 994; - let's be a happy man!![]() I'm delirious. Had a great time yesterday at Ah Mei's Prata at AMK Hub with Chew, Ivan, Nadine, Li Xing and Weiling... super funny. Because being young people we were speaking really loudly and some people told us to quieten down and making not-so-subtle gestures like moving the table away from me when I was standing... well whatever it's a public place anyway not a library. LOL. But the point is that hanging out with church people makes all the difference... it's what moulds you. Who you hang out with determines who you really are. Pastor Lia's birthday was great. Really. The leaders with their Bollywood thang, Jacky and his Gatsby advert (Nelson: "Naomi you got see my HAND OR NOT?!?!") and Pastor Lia's love for her mom... unfathomable. Went out with Seongbin to church today for pure plain mugging. Love to see her face turn from boredom to awe when she stepped into church... she couldn't believe it was church and asked if we were in the wrong place... haha funny. But I'm sure slowly, step by step she'll come! :D She met Ivan, Fedora, Sylvia and Chew... she even shook Pastor's hand and spoke to Pastor How! WOOOOOAHHH. I'm walking to school with her tomorrow! And Hougang Sec. Even if the fire has "died down" in the others it will not die in me. I'll continue to keep loving the unloved and loving the unlovable. I mean, even Hitler can love those who love him back, why not we do something different by loving others who hate us to the core? Love to 2.0, yo. CHEWTHENGGGGGG! I want to stick to the leaders!!!! :D Jio me out! HAHAHAHAH Flowflowflow! 라벨: horseradish 월요일, 4월 21, 2008, 12:14 오후
`993; - left in overtimeYou see a father holding his daughter by the hand, teaching her how to walk. And she's wearing those rubber squeaky shoes - the ones that squeak everytime she takes a step. As he gently takes her hand and with each step celebrates with her - imagine his joy and her happiness when the little gracenotes of squeak pause squeak turns into a whole chorus of squeaks - shows that she can walk around unaided. Surely my walk with God is like that; with Him holding me by the hand and me proudly wearing my little squeaky shoes - each squeak seem to proclaim that "Oh Naomi has finally overcame an obstacle and learned that she needs to put the other foot in front of this one!" And when I know how to walk He still stands there like a guardian angel - saving me when I fall and helping me to stand upright; He just wants to listen to those squeaks again. And for now I'm taking one squeak, or a step rather, at a time. Squeak, squeak. * Oh on another note I'm off to have lunch at AMK Hub with Chew (: 라벨: white noise 수요일, 4월 16, 2008, 3:40 오후
` 992; - sugar, we're going downONE SMALL STEP FOR A WOMAN, ONE GIANT LEAP FOR NAOMI. WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! HAHA I ISH HAPPY 8) * I realised that I sorta 'flow' with him. Like how we decided not to get into any relationships until we get the right timing from God and stuff. Oh, and yay I can't wait to get to know more about him (: Interesting person he is. I already see him serving in Lights Ministry! He's my new-found best friend and I am excited. HAHA I'm not telling who he is! :P Oh, and did I mention he's trilingual? (!!) HAHA he can't beat me man. I'm quadrilingual. (Well not quite since I'm not that fluent in Korean) PS. And I have another best friend - GINIA! :D I love walking her to 3E1 and then wrestling with her. Oh I miss doing duty with you :) And I also realised I flow with a lot of people. Like about what Pastor How mentioned about the cookie jar thingy I am also doing the same thing! I have like 3 different piggy banks, namely Shopping Spree, Emergency and Normal Allowance (my savings are in this big milk bottle container in my mom's drawer) and when I receive my weekly allowance I seperate them, 5 - 6 bucks in the clothes fund, 3 in emergency and the rest in the normal allowance. And 2 goes to savings! This is the reason why I'm so slim. I don't eat during recess and give my tithe and everything outta normal allowance! I guess I need to get one more piggy bank for Building Fund alr :D WHOOHOO. REVIVAL! 라벨: nonsense 월요일, 4월 14, 2008, 2:15 오후
` 991; - everyone knows i'm in![]() I'm home early from school today and I decided to blog for a while before hitting the books. Oh, SA1 english was okay just now and I thank God for calming down my jittery nerves and everything :D While taking the long route back home I passed by the Japanese Cemetery and decided to just go and take a little stroll since it had just finished raining. A lot of thoughts went through my mind as I walked through the tombstones and breathed in the fresh air. These people, if they had been saved, could be like rejoicing in heaven now but unfortunately they do not know God. We live in a very priveleged generation where everything is practically laid out for us - our education is financed by parents instead of needing to work, modern churches to praise Him and the opportunity to know more about Him... these people who now lay in the quiet earth, if they had been alive now I'm sure they'll be ministry heads... ushers... who knows. Pastor was talking about building dreams for the next generation yesterday for Building Fund. Pastor How & Lia have already sacrificed - their car, house, jobs - just to build Heart of God Church to what it is today and now it's our responsibility and turn to sacrifice, not saying that they've retired (they're still sacrificing in their own ways) but it's our pleasure to give to the church too. I can picture the next generation, my generation worshipping in our own complex. Our own property as where can we go from Singpost? Woohoo. Ish amazing. I left the cemetery with a happy and uplifting spirit despite exams. It's sweet, and it will soon be sweeter. My church, my responsibility. 라벨: introspection 일요일, 4월 13, 2008, 11:15 오전
` 990; - one winged angelALL HAIL NOBUO UEMATSU! :3 라벨: music 금요일, 4월 11, 2008, 4:42 오후
` 989; - sweetest thing I knowI passed Physics & I passed my Piano Practical. It's not only times like these I find that my life is sweet. Even when if someone says stuff about me and I failed practically everything, He makes it sweeter. (: Internet's being painfully slow even on Dad's new laptop. I told him to get a Mac but he doesn't listen ): Instead he blew like 2000 over a HP laptop (Vista) which I think sucks but since he's a tech n00b I shall forgive him. Perhaps when I go JC he'll relent? (: Life's pretty much smooth sailing. CG yesterday was awesomeo even though I arrived late. :/ Give gratefully, yo. Oh well, it's time to hit the books and study. Higher level of learning. Naomi 2.0 (: 라벨: blabber 일요일, 4월 06, 2008, 9:00 오후
` 988; - we're finally free tonightJust reached home from church and I am delirious. Not by exhaustion but by God, His presence and the people around me. Even though sometimes I get disappointments, I still thank God that He placed me in Heart of God Church where I can just be myself and not think of conforming myself to anything, especially in school. Had dinner with B2 and B4 and it was hilarious. Bought the 50c bread and the auntie gave me free curry. Nadine insisted on buying and she bought that too, hoping she got free curry but she didn't. Everyone said that the auntie liked my face and not Nadine's. HAHA and finally I gave her my curry ("I didn't double dip hor!") Got the BZone CD filled with pictures (EH WHY DON'T HAVE ME INSIDE HAR?!) It's mostly SINFEI, GONG, CHEW (!!) S.I.A.N (not allowed to say the word! have to give Jianming 50c if said) On the way home with Meixin I suddenly got the thought by God in my head to rise up as Deco Coordinator! HAHA, Lucinda watch out ehhhhh. I shall manage my time even though it's the irritating O levels. Shall excel man, and go to somewhere I can be in. VJ VJ VJ! Woah I am superrrrrrrr eggcited. Let's see what tomorrow holds luh. * I don't need a "Morning, Love (:" sms from someone to decide how my day is going to turn out. I just need an assurance that He already loves me by His presence (: 라벨: white noise 토요일, 4월 05, 2008, 7:41 오후
` 987; - scribbled out the truth with your liesI am very. very. angry. If not for God I would have been a product of since you been gone. It's all on wordpress, password protected. Now I know how they felt. 라벨: rant 12:57 오후
` 986; - words don't come easy to meI detest being stuck at home with nothing to do, especially when I know that the CG is having churchwide prayer meeting now and I'm overridden with fatigue. Went for Leadership Course with Cheri and the whole thing is just... blah. Yeah it was fun, activities galore and everything but the whole thing is just teaching you how to be a leader. But leadership doesn't come with tutorials, it comes with responsibility. And only God can direct you how to be a leader. Leaders are made through that and nothing else. They float. My Biology SPA was a little crapped up because I forgot that there isn't any curve in Biology, only line of BEST FIT. Woah, the Honorary Certificate of Stupidity goes to Naomi Seow Ru Ting. (: Almost fell asleep in Math tuition yesterday and I tell you I need tuition for Physics and Chemistry. Anyone who can give me some brains of yours? Lookie for homework: - Composing score for MEP - Math - Biology - Practical examination for MEP on Thurs ATTACKKKKKKKKK! 라벨: blabber 금요일, 4월 04, 2008, 1:05 오후
` 985; - & you tell me to breathe easyOne more hour to Biology SPA and I don't even know what's going to come out since the textbook did not state anything at all. But whatever, through faith I excel. I'm not allowed to say what happened for the last 5 days in fear of someone knowing and thus she'll get a lousier grade or something, since she can find my blog in a sea of relatives'... heartwrenching to keep the truth but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I still couldn't believe anything. It's like a part of your life has been erased from a wordy manuscript. I see her everyday and now when I think of it, I have taken her forgranted and even argued back with her once. Well time goes on and I got to move on as well to keep up with life. Was walking towards Samantha's house yesterday after MEP for CG and I started to think of how she used to call my name, how she pointed out Rain in the papers and how she tried to (unsuccesfully) teach me how to dance the chacha and I just lost it. I didn't cry for the last 4 days when I saw others redeyed but now in solitude I couldn't take it anymore. Sobbed all the way through CG and thankyou Hannah, Desiree, Sushian, Darren for unspoken words and tissues, and Samantha, Daryl and Cindy for the smses. I still keep moving on. I want to be part of the Dream Team but sometimes I keep holding back. I shall blog about it in wordpress and keep it locked and just leave it to rot or something then one day when I become part of the Dream Team I'll look back at it and laugh my head off. But for now I feel as if I'm breathing oxygen and doing nothing when everyone just yells at me for no apparent reason. When I see them, I say to myself, "If they can do it, I can." However I don't feel that I can do what they do. I want to do what they do. But is there any chance I can? Or is there any chance that they can do what I do... I don' t know. Everything's been going on behind my back and I don't even know what's going on until someone just comes up to me and tells me when I'm about to go there when I'm not supposed to. Find security in yourself? Yes it may happen but you also need to have people who can help you do so. School was okay today and I still love kimchi. (: Some guy sitting in front of us during recess started hollering like a madman and his friend almost got into a fight. Stupid monkeys almost had a dogfight right in the canteen. Well that's life in school. Didn't sleep at all for Wednesday and had a talk with Shuxian (: His Pastor and CG met up with him and one interesting fact is this: if I had stayed in FCBC I'd be in his CG because Pamela was there. Pamela used (or is it still is?) to be my leader (or Shinuan?) but anyhow I still remember them but they didn't recognise me until Shuxian started to tell them. HAHA hilarious. I have been blogging for like 30 minutes and I think I should be studying now. Bye. (: 라벨: incoherency 수요일, 4월 02, 2008, 7:48 오후
` 984; -I have a love fetish I need to announce to the whole world! Ah, kimchi, Oh how I love kimchi. <3 Uthara: "Your taste is, exotic." Me: "Uh, yeah. Kimchi is tantilising and delicious (: (: (:" Uthara: "So... which part of Kimchi do you want to taste?" Me: "..." YAY LIFE IN SCHOOL IS MORE BEARABLE NOW. p/s. Hyunjun if you're reading this, PM ME. :D Bogoshipda!~ |