so we'd spread love like violence; ♥
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♥ rai·son d'ê·tre (rā'zōn dět'rə,) {존재 이유}n. pl.reason or justification for being or existence 나는
![]() naomi jung 서여정, 三浦 なおみ 29 june 1992 ngee ann poly mass communications Rorsharch ink blot Pianist J Tune Entertainment & ooooh, Rain 비 = ♥
Heart of God Church ♥ b41
/more about me 나의 남편!
정지훈/Rain/Jihoon - the husband. 용어
Ajumma (아줌마) : Auntie 할말!
♥ Heart Of God Church 명사
♥ Abingdon Boys School 블로그
Blogs I read: 주크박스
11월 2005 12월 2005 1월 2006 2월 2006 3월 2006 4월 2006 5월 2006 6월 2006 7월 2006 8월 2006 9월 2006 10월 2006 11월 2006 12월 2006 1월 2007 2월 2007 3월 2007 4월 2007 5월 2007 6월 2007 7월 2007 8월 2007 9월 2007 10월 2007 11월 2007 12월 2007 1월 2008 2월 2008 3월 2008 4월 2008 5월 2008 6월 2008 7월 2008 8월 2008 9월 2008 10월 2008 11월 2008 12월 2008 감사
Layout: vehemency |
수요일, 1월 31, 2007, 8:25 오후
PWAH.When it hits you hard, tell me you'll be strong. Just telling you I'm not dead, but drowning in assignments. 화요일, 1월 30, 2007, 3:44 오후
"Flames to dust, Lovers to friends, Why do all good things come to an end?" - Nelly Furtado; All Good Things Come to an EndYeah, I haven't died. I'm just swimming in torrents of homework that the teachers spew out. Esp physics, I don't understand a single thing Mr Chong's teaching. I even had to use my last resort, Perry Lam, to help me (which wasn't much help anyway as he is studying quantum physics in NUS High) Perry, thanks, but the things you're saying are too cheem >.< I have nothing much to say now, still working on the confession. XH thinks that it is sweet, Uthara thinks it's sweet, but I guess it'll be too much for him to handle. I have no idea, time will tell. (: I'm so darn bored lurh, CA's next week and I'm still slacking, hurrhurr. Got nothing to blog about lurh, so I shall go play Audition for 15 minutes :D 라벨: incoherent, random 월요일, 1월 29, 2007, 8:05 오후
OMG CUTE! ![]() CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! O^.^O Today was okay. Really okay. Just tired, sleepy and despondent. I miss talking to you. MANDA, saranghae! xD Will steal toothbrush! I'm quiet, you know you make a first impression I found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind 일요일, 1월 28, 2007, 10:14 오후
TAKETHESCHOOLS!(:Pastor was right today! Omigosh, I think I haven't done too much of my Quiet Time. I have been slacking... not following my Bible Reading Plan... omigosh I'm like an unfaithful Christian! xD I shall do my stuffs, the things I shall need to do... I'll go around the school and pray! Maybe God has not brought a revival to HS because He knows I'll die under the workload... I gotta get a planner soon! HAHAHA! PLAN PLAN PLANNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Oops, sorry :D RAINJEONGJIHOON is back, he's outta the closet! Now Gackt is in the closet. MWAHAHAHA. I vow never to wear high heels EVER again. And you're just avoiding me, I know it. 토요일, 1월 27, 2007, 2:35 오후
DEAR GOD.I promise I will be a really really good girl and I will juggle my studies together with computer time and stuff if you would let me pass my audition SUCCESSFULLY :D And I promise I won't do anything stupid (upcoming confession) and silly, and I'll promise to STEAL RAIN'S TOOTHBRUSH FOR MY AMANDA :D Naomi (: JYPE Auditions todaaaaay! ;D Faith and I woke up at 5am and started washing up and stuff. Reached Mediacorp by 7, met Kelly there. I thought that no one went for the auditions, as there was nobody there, but when we walked into the reception counter, VOOM, everyone looked at me. >.< The Auditions were okay. Kelly was before me, she sang Get Out (Leave) by Jojo, and I modelled (: Faith sang Don't Move On by Lindsay Lohan. And I sorta swear I could've seen JYP there in the shadows. Seriously, I was so nervous. The judges were both women (pretty ones) and the whole scene went on like this. Me: "Hi, my name's Naomi Seow and I'm here to model." Judges: *interested looks on faces* Me: "er... where shall I put my bag? *sheepish smile*" *one person comes out and takes bag* *I modeled.* Judges: "Thank you very much. *stone looks on faces*" Me" *smiles*, "Thank you!" The atmosphere was so tense. Srsly. I swear. I almost peed. I hope I can make it in. I WANT TO. 금요일, 1월 26, 2007, 8:39 오후
FILLER; ;and how much I love O level music. Got my contacts today ^^ and Faith-ssi's staying over now. She's off to Bio tuition and I'm stranded at home. So here I am blogging. Zane's pants got torn today. Evidence as follows: That's right boys, show 'em nuts and show 'em hard! xD So that was the damage done! (: Besties, Peggy and Hinwen! Hinwen's my new TWINnn xD And a little... something I got out of Debrah's blog ;D ![]() 수요일, 1월 24, 2007, 5:00 오후
"Does the rain fall in threads, or drops?" - Song Hye Gyo; in the movie My Girl and I [First Love]Hmm, this is going to be a filler. I seriously got nothing to write about. Have you ever wondered about the indifference of people? Yes, indifference, where the warmest acknowlegment you recieve is by that person pouring hot mee soto down your collar. Now, you see, we're living in a society where everyone cares for themselves, and when you show them your warmth and kindness, they push you away and think that you're crazy. Absloutely. I don't have the mood nor the inspiration to type anything out right now, but I'll leave you with this comment Wisely said that set me thinking. "Naomi, do you realise that our entire solar system is set, is probably shaped like an atom?" "Yes, Wisely, and you're suggesting that we are an atom of something else, something bigger than us by a infinite number?" "Yes, Naomi, you gotcha." 라벨: filler, reflections, thoughts 화요일, 1월 23, 2007, 3:42 오후
Rediscovering Myself.If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile. My Wish; Rascal Flatts, Hi, my name is Naomi. Naomi is my first name because I am named after Ruth's mother-in-law and a random Japanese geisha. I'm vertically challenged and extremely overweight, and I have a condition called dwarfism, as you can see. My dad's 16 next year and Mum's 76. I'm currently 367528 years old. I used to have half a sibling, her name's Nara, and she's called my half-sibling because she has half of everything. She has half a nose, half a head. OOO, scary. She was born 9 months premature, while I am born 4 days mature. I was born in Singapore, raised in Korea, Japan and Australia, studied in Timbuctoo, and I soon became President of, Inc. I do not speak English. I'm of Chinese, Korean, British and Mongolian decent, and I look like my daughter rather than my grandmother, and my favourite subject in school is pathology. And I wanna be a princess, just like my brother. **************** Obviously you know I'm just kidding. 라벨: boredom, me., retardation 3:27 오후
It isn't everyday you go into the toilet and have someone chatting you up about Rain and how manly he is, and emitting puffs of smoke like a chimney, with a cigarette dangling in one hand.And, despite all this, she still manages to retain her kawaiiness. But as Lynn said, "See them when they're older." ****************** I can't eat. I can't sleep. I'm sick. 不能吃. 不能睡觉. 我病了. I'm down with colic, and I'm blogging, albeit weakly, from my bed now. Thank God for wireless. I had this severe pain in my stomach and Funny Face (one of the funny guys in the class) asked me if there was a mouse eating my stomach away, and when I said that the feeling was like that, he started announcing to the whole class that I swallowed a mouse. Thanks a lot. I started running to the loo to release and it was the worst pain that I have ever felt in my life (after childbearing, which I haven't experienced that yet). Add that misery up with cigarette smoke and you'll get what I did. Dad picked me up in his car (THANK GOD NOT THE CHILLER TRUCK) and I staggered to the doctor's. Colic. Nice. And excuse me, I'm having the Cramps + colic cramps and I feel like beating some Male Chavunists and suing them for assault on a pregnant woman. RAWR. 라벨: daily life, ramblings 월요일, 1월 22, 2007, 6:27 오후
Grand Piano
![]() photo courtesy of Steinway & Sons Whoo boy. This is one heck of a piano I certainly want to own. The characteristic feature of the "125th Anniversary Limited Edition Grand Piano designed by Goertz" is the interplay between light and shadow, backed by the power of its sleek lines. This timeless instrument bridges the gap between past and future. As such, this inspirational Steinway with its distinctive sound and exceptional playability will also become a grand piano of enduring value and historical importance to generations of music lovers. Count Albrecht Goertz, a man with a passion for design and creator of arguably the world's most beautiful sports car - the BMW 507 - has always based his work on the philosophy that an object is finished only when nothing more can be added and, most importantly, nothing can be omitted. ![]() The BMW 507 The same applies to the Steinway anniversary grand, which Count Goertz regards as one of the highlights of his long design career. The "125th Anniversary Limited Edition Grand Piano designed by Goertz" is a unique instrument, characterized by superlative elegance and aesthetics... * this is the part where you swoon* *************Please la, 看看你个人. 请停止牢骚你如何成熟 , 看一看自己. 没有人是十全十美. We all have our faults and differences. 我们都犯错误. 如果你不喜欢我的想法, 你能不能好好地告诉我吗? No. What did you say? "噢,我不喜欢你的想法." PLEASE MAN. 当老师说我的想法是好的, 你的脸色立刻变了. 当我们三人去休会那时, you would treat me as invisible. Hello? I'm there too. I'm as opaque as I can be. And look who's talking. 你一个人不成熟,不是我. 即使你不会原谅和忘记. That incident is so long ago, and you're still clinging on to it. 而你总是抢我的职责, 与阻止我做我的事. 而你永远捍卫她当有人对她说坏事, but me? You don't give a damn. Friends forever? BS. 토요일, 1월 20, 2007, 6:00 오후
;~ /JEONGJIHOON! I'll be too much for you boy ;D says:HE LOOKED AT ME 1 day to Rain's concert says: HE LOOKED AT YOU TWO TIMES ALREADY ;~ /JEONGJIHOON! I'll be too much for you boy ;D says: I KNOW! HE'S DAMN FREAKING HOT CAN 1 day to Rain's concert says: HE'S STAYING AT THE RITZ CARLTON PRESIDENTIAL SUITE DAMMIT 1 day to Rain's concert says: LETS STALK HIM 1 day to Rain's concert says: I ONLY SAW HIS HAIR. HIS HAIR IS SEXY ;~ /JEONGJIHOON! I'll be too much for you boy ;D says: NO HIS EYES IS EVEN SEXIER. ;D 1 day to Rain's concert says: OMG YOU SAW HIS EYES 1 day to Rain's concert says: I DIDN'T EVEN SEE HIS EYES CAN ;~ /JEONGJIHOON! I'll be too much for you boy ;D says: you know, trisha, it was glance, smile, wink. 1 day to Rain's concert says: OMGOMGOMGSTOPIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 day to Rain's concert says: HE SAW YOU EYE TO EYE 1 day to Rain's concert says: falling in love 1 day to Rain's concert says: yes I know you're the one and only Mrs Jeong Ji Hoon 1 day to Rain's concert says: Come on, he's cute and... flexible.Surely you want him badlyyyyyyyy ;~ /JEONGJIHOON! I'll be too much for you boy ;D says: YEAH. flex him my way pls. I'll be happy to handle him ;D YEAH I'M MRS JEONG. ALL HAIL ME PLS. ;D ZIIINGGGG, Rain's only photo at the airport that Trish managed to take. STUPID CAMERA OF MINE. GOTCHAAAA :) ************** BOO. Isaac's gonna quit, Remy's gonna quit, Hin Wen's gonna quit, Crystal's gonna quit, Gail's gonna quit, Jolyn's gonna quit. My only saving grace is my dearest Peggy Chng Zi Jing :D PLEASE PEOPLE (ESPECIALLY BESTIE HINWEN) DON' T QUIT MEP FOR GOD'S SAKE. Stupid Mrs Tham. One helluva of a beyotch. Sent me out of the classroom for making a joke of cadences. Me: OMG SHE'S MARRIED. Hinwen: Her husband must be blind. Me: Well, love is blind, marriage opens their eyes. Hinwen: HAHAHAHAHA she looks like a corpse. Me: That thing she drew looked like a boob. Hinwen: You mean TWO boobs. LOL. I LOVE HINWEN (: Her full name is Elizabeth Samiare Clarity Renette Emma Thien Hin Wen. How cool is that?! Mine (according to my not-so-sane uncles, the names they gave me) is Naomi Symphony Seow Ru Ting >.< So little can. PWAH. Lol. 목요일, 1월 18, 2007, 9:58 오후
![]() My Ji-hoon's reachinnnnnnn' ;D I won't be there physically, but my thoughts are mentally there to welcome you (: 나는 육체적으로 거기 있지 않을 것이다, 그러나 나는 당신 정신으로 거기 있을 것이다! I'll be supporting you all the way! 나는 당신을 도중 내내 지원할 것이다! Good luck for your concert! 당신의 연주회를 위한 행운을 빕니다! 싱가포르에 환영! Annyeong Haseyo Ji-hoon Oppa! Singaporul huanyung! hey my sexy slitty eyed boyyyy ;D 라벨: infatuation, Rain 화요일, 1월 16, 2007, 10:58 오후
I spent 2 hours on Biology and all that I did was only one fooking page of notes relating to cells which I have abslofookingutely no interest in.RARH. Ochida asked me for BGR, but I can't stand the distance. It's not clear whether if it'll make him come to Singapore soon, or something. He's great la, and it'll make me be Mrs Matsuyama, but I'm afraid he'll smoke. Or drink. Or club. But I'll get married to a dashing young Jap guy anyway, so no bother ;D ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH me dunno larrrrrhhh me going crazy Ochida I miss you come to Singapore soon I don't care I'll ask Aiko to ruin your socks or something to make you come here I don't CARE! LOL. Sorry. the guy I like still doesn't geddit. =.= 3:56 오후
"Cheryl, who makes decisions for Singapore?" Mr Chin asked Cheryl during SS today."Me." Papa lapped a pap lopped; Gackt oboreru koto sae wasureteshimau you ni "kuruwasete..." shiitsu no naka de boku no hikigane ni tsume o tateteiru Like I've even completely forgotten drowning "Make me mad..." In the sheets, a nail stands on my trigger moeru tsuki o nazoru konna yoru wa yurusarenai tsumi de iki mo dekinai hodo miugoki wa torasenai Tracing the blazing moon, this kind of night is an unforgivable crime Until you can't even breathe, I won't let you move an inch sono kami mo kirei na yubi mo tamaranaku daremo o sono ki ni saseru urunda hitomi ni mitsumeraretara mou... gaman dekinai kara With that hair and that pretty finger, you can unbearably make anyone care If I'm looked at by those cloudy eyes Then... I can't be patient any longer kimi o daite uchuu no kanata e kodoku na tabi kara "sayounara" mujuuryoku na kankei de mo ii soredemo kimi wa dareka ni muchuu I hold you, and from my lonely travels To beyond the skies it's "sayonara" Even a weightless relationship is okay But still, you're Absorbed in someone sono koe mo atsui toiki mo utsukushiku daremo o toriko ni saseru nurashita karada kasaneawasetara mou... gaman dekinai With that voice and that hot sigh, you can beautifully make anyone your slave If our wet bodies overlap each other I can't... be patient any longer kimi to atta chikyuu no hate de dare ni mo jama wa sasenai juuryoku no hikiyoseau mama itsuka wa kimi no tsuki ni naru At the ends of the earth where we met I won't let anyone interfere Like gravity pulling us towards each other Someday I'll be your moon kimi o daite uchuu no kanata e kodoku na tabi kara "sayounara" mujuuryoku na kankei de mo ii soredemo kimi wa dareka to tabi no tochuu I hold you, and from my lonely travels To beyond the skies it's "sayonara" Even a weightless relationship is okay But still, you're In the middle of traveling with someone ----------------------- I'm hooked on this song. And yes, I'm dirrrrrrrrty. ;D I guess I'll just give it up, the entire unrequited love affair (: ---------------------- To Someone. When you're disciple someone, you don't just shoot everything into that person's face, especially when he/she is in a really bad mood. Oh, and you tell me to change my temper. Okay, fine. When I tell you to lower down your volume down a notch, especially when I'm on the phone, what do you say? "Oh, I'm like that, so you can't expect me to change. Too bad, you gotta live with what I am." Hello, I can just retort and say, "Oh, I'm born with this temper too, you gotta live with it." But I chose not to. And you totally turned me off when you said, "I want to say this and you can hate me for all I care." That SUCKED. I felt like giving you a virtual slap to the face. "Oh, XX has a high pitched and loud voice, and did she feel unconfortable with it? No." I'm talking about you, darling. "Oh, we don't have anything in common, and talking with you just sucked. And I refused to go to any outings that had you. And plus, you were always sticking to her like glue and irritated a lot of people because we wanted to talk with her about something private. So, all in all, you were irritating." Woah. Nice ending to a horrible story. And pardon me, I'm born with the sarcasm bug, so too bad, you gotta live with it. (: 일요일, 1월 14, 2007, 11:15 오후
I have come this far, and I will not give up.I will continue to spread the love. I will not give up. he will come to his senses someday soon. 라벨: random, reflections 11:27 오전
Nobody knows what’s at the end Of this long journey But these uncertain nights will never come again We can keep walking forever Together, now and forever This love I clutch close to my heart Will never change, this one unique“I love you” Gackt; Love Letter 我的心唱首歌给你听 歌词是如此的甜蜜 可是我害羞我没有勇气对你说一句我爱你 为什么你还是不言不语 难道(是)你不懂我的心 不管你用什么方式表明 我会对你说我愿意 千言万语里 只有一句话能 表白我的心 千言万语里 只有一句话就 能够让我们相偎相依 我爱你 你是我的茱丽叶 我愿意变成你的粱山伯 幸福的每一天浪漫的每一夜 把爱 永远 不放开 I Love You 我爱你 你是我的罗密欧 我愿意变成你的祝英台 幸福的每一天浪漫的每一夜 美丽的爱情祝福着 未来 曹格&卓文宣 - 梁山伯与茱丽叶 Why are there so many love songs in the music scene and people just don't get it? Why don't you get it? ; /LOVESOUNDS!~ /Sad Tango; live by faith and not by sight. says: who he talking about dRaCuLax [ some secrets were meant to be told; and i found the cure to growing older ] says: O_o dRaCuLax [ some secrets were meant to be told; and i found the cure to growing older ] says: maybe u? dRaCuLax [ some secrets were meant to be told; and i found the cure to growing older ] says: wah lau why u two so cheem one de english ; /LOVESOUNDS!~ ♥ /Sad Tango; live by faith and not by sight. says: hahahahaa ; /LOVESOUNDS!~ ♥ /Sad Tango; live by faith and not by sight. says: please lurrrrrhhhh ; /LOVESOUNDS!~ ♥ /Sad Tango; live by faith and not by sight. says: he'll never ever like me larrrrrr. =.= 토요일, 1월 13, 2007, 10:36 오후
Paint The Town Red; Delirious? You know I feel there's something 'bout to break now, You know I feel there's a city here to take now. And it's not so tough for these ordinary hands, When we trust someone with extraordinary plans. You know I feel this heart's about to break now, Cos I can see what the devil's trying to take now. We've got this leather backed book and a freedom cry, And we're an army of God who are ready to die. You give us hope where hope is gone, You fill the streets with a holy song, We’re gonna paint this big old town red. Oh, Here we come, here we come Oh, Here we come, here we come You know I feel this sky's about to break now. You know I feel our city's gonna shake now. And we hear you call every woman and man, "Ring the mission bell" and storm the gates of hell. Miracles run from street to street, Rise up Church for a holy meet, We’re gonna paint this big old town red We’re gonna paint this big old town red With the blood of Jesus! This song's my Christian theme song for 2007; nothing's gonna change this. 9:19 오후
TAKE THE SCHOOLS!I'm trying to keep my temper in check. But, God has placed me in Hougang Sec for a purpose, taking it for God! When I'm rejected, suan-ned, despised, discouraged and stuff, this verse is etched in my heart. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 we are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. So this shall be my motto in life! As Pastor Joakim Lundqvist said just now, "Just plant the seed in their hearts, and pray." I shall put my faith in prayer to the test. TAKETHESCHOOLS; HS 20! ;D 라벨: random 목요일, 1월 11, 2007, 11:50 오후
NO relation whatsoever.Sometimes, when I'm really bored, I try to envision myself in the future. A woman, svelte and slender, walks out of the shower room. She is wearing a ladies' office blazer and a short black skirt. She spritzs a whiff of epensive perfume (I Louwe You) and reaches for a silver key necklace. She walks around the zen-like air-conditioned apartment, before stopping at the entrance of the door to slip her feet into her Manolo Blaniks and grab her leather laptop case. She starts the ignition of her sleek, black BMW and drives off into the afternoon sun. She reaches the hotel, and parks gracefully in the carpark, and locks the car. She reaches the room that the pop star was in, with the cameras rolling, she translates his every word. He gives her a wink, a subtle inquiry if she would love to have dinner with him that night. She shakes her head, and gives him a stunning smile that would probably make him die from a cardiac arrest there and then. Her job done, she goes back into the carpark and drives off to have a romantic candlelight dinner with her conductor boyfriend at. the. RITZ CARLTON. ... I stare at myself in the mirror, and sad to say, I have unruly hair that won't stay flat no matter how much gel I slather on it, thick thighs that are results on bingeing, pimple marks that will fade in time peppering her cheeks (I have no more pimples, YIPEEEE) and I certainly do not have the 34-24-34 (or whateveryoucallit) figure that ladies long for. I am cynical, indeed. Read Le Raine's blog, and decided I should do this too for fun's sake. 100 Things About Me: Part I: Childhood 1. My first word was "refridgerator." No kidding. I could only talk when I was 3 years old. 2. My parents originally wanted to put my Chinese name as "直美", which is Kanji for Naomi. Then my (*&$%*(^% grandfather went to put "Ru Ting". uurgh. 3. I could only walk at the age of 2. My parents thought I had Down's or Asperger's Syndrome or something. 4. I was born in Thomson Medical Hospital on a rainy Wednesday. 5. I was a miracle child, as my parents weren't supposed to have any children. I think of myself as an accident. 6. When I was 4, I was given a stuffed hippo. I still have it with me now and it looks as good as new. I called it Hippo. Original. 7. When I was 5, I was given a pink bolster, a hand-me-down. Now I can't get to sleep without hugging it every night. 8. I hated Barbies. I used to swing them around by the hair and decapitate them. 9. At the age of 6, I asked my parents what was a condom. 10. When I was in kindergarten, I fell in love with Enigma, this superhero who wore ballet shoes and then she could fly. I dreamt that I flew around and I still can remember that dream. 11. I was a huge fan of Teletubbies. I used to have a Laa-Laa bag. 12. When I was 8, I played soccer with my next door neighbours, Calvin and Ronald, who were Primary 5 and Sec 2 respectively. Now they are handsome young men who frequently asked for me when my parents went to use the facilities of the condominium. 13. I witnessed my aunt and her lesbian girlfriend making out in my grandmother's house at the age of 7. That's it. I'm out. 수요일, 1월 10, 2007, 11:59 오후
It's 12 amand I'm still thinking of you. ;D Two years have passed so fast. 2005- When I was the dorky little Nanyang uniform girl walking aimlessly around the campus That Daddy's little girl waiting for Daddy to pick me up The noobie prefect Felt inferior to Sheryl, Auyeong, Reuben, Gavin and all the seniors Had my self-esteem lowered and my heart broken by a guy who spread rumors about me to his friends Fell in love again and fell out with a friend the worst and best year of my life 2006- Still had a crush on him Met the best people of my life Went to the best church of my life felt loved felt cared for felt like I was everything I rose up rapidly 2007- The crush deepened Still being loved Leading Serving the most High God who knows what's in store? I could hardly wait for life is like a journey with twists and turns and a little surprises in between who knows you might just get what you really love see you at the top lovelies study hard and be the best you can be(: Os is just a mere year away And Kenny and Ochida, I miss you both. I'll be travelling to Aussie and Japan soon, hopefully with a friend <3 And Kenny, I'm gonna raid your room and park myself there for my uni days ;D 라벨: reflections 화요일, 1월 09, 2007, 4:15 오후
"Its thoughts like this that catch my troubled head when you're away, When I am missing you to death." Such Great Heights; Postal ServiceThis pretty much summarises everything (: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx School was okay, slept for 5 minutes during Mr Chin's SS lesson. Honestly, I was so tired and I could catch more sleep if it weren't for Xiao Hui who was POKING ME WITH HER PEN throughout the whole lesson to amuse herself. During the free period, I called Reuben (to ease my boredom) and Xiao Hui and Percy kept teasing me about it >.< Camwhored! Percy. Say Hi to him (: Say Hi to Xiao Hui too ;D AND! Mr D, aka Daelen (he insisted for us to call him that when we were talking) relief-teachered us for one Lit period. He was Reuben's friend and he is in ACJC (w00t) and he's waiting for his A level results. He's very nice and witty ;D AHEM. So yeah, I'm OUT! Eddin is so CUTE OMFG, srsly. I want my daughter to be like her (: 라벨: pictures, retardation 월요일, 1월 08, 2007, 8:01 오후
"When the day comes DISTANCE is gone. I can hold you again if I get used to emptiness. WE CAN START IT SOONER; Like before I WANNA BE WITH YOU" - Utada Hikaru; Final Distance
I deleted this because someone asked me to, NICELY. (: And this is all that ling! has to say. "Just because you write things about that CCA (outsiders point). Methinks she should accept that not everyone thinks the same." Kudos to ling!. ;D
일요일, 1월 07, 2007, 9:11 오후
You know I feel there's something 'bout to break now,You know I feel there's a city here to take now. And it's not so tough for these ordinary hands, When we trust someone with extraordinary plans. You know I feel this heart's about to break now, Cos I can see what the devil's trying to take now. We've got this leather backed book and a freedom cry, And we're an army of God who are ready to die. You give us hope where hope is gone, You fill the streets with a holy song, We’re gonna paint this big old town red. Oh, Here we come, here we come Oh, Here we come, here we come Paint the Town Red - Delirious? Got super high by Darren's post (note; he looks super dao in his wedding photo if he doesn't smile) and I SHALL TAKE THE SCHOOLS! I will gather up courage and approach everyone (including Cheenarians) with a smile. Get to know them better, and save them for Jesus! (: I shall change my character too; as Pastor How said, "God hates people who are quick to anger." So yeah, I shall try my very best not to flare up and be patient. HOUGANG SEC; 20! -I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (: ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! 11:01 오전
You give us hope where hope is gone,You fill the streets with a holy song, We’re gonna paint this big old town red. Oh, Here we come, here we come Oh, Here we come, here we come You know I feel this sky's about to break now. You know I feel our city's gonna shake now. And we hear you call every woman and man, "Ring the mission bell" and storm the gates of hell. Paint the Town Red - Delirious? Heart Symphony. I'll make sure I join this soon. (: As Eilen puts it, "At least we play with a purpose, unlike certain bands that has politics in it." Heart Symphony, a band to play for and to die for. <3 토요일, 1월 06, 2007, 11:25 오후
An Ode to Kenichi MatsuyamaThe female Wei Xiao Bao has found another husband ;D ![]() KENICHI MATSUYAMA<3 Faith and I have been in love with him since Death Note 1; Dead or Alive ;D OMFGGGGGG why am I falling for nerds all the time =S He's 22 (this year) and single and eligible :/ AHEM. Known to play weird roles in movies. eg; L in DN. :D Lovelylovely. Wonder if Ochida's related to him though. They have the same surname =S Ochida Matsuyama = related to Kenichi Matsuyama. SCARY :0 -anyone who touches him will die ugly ugly. RAWRRRRRRRR.- -slips into fangirl mode- 라벨: hotties, incoherent, ramblings 10:08 오전
How shocked I was to learn of such indifference.I was notified of a certain task I was supposed to do the day before, and I was, techically unable to do that certain task. If only that person had told me one day before, I could at least do something. When I demanded why I wasn't informed about it, I was given this la-de-da reply; "Oh, simply because I forgot, sorry." Come on, if you were assigned a task, you are supposed to do it immediately, not push it to the back of your head and let it rot. And I'm always the last to know what I'm supposed to do in the group, and when I do, everyone's like, "Oh, how come you don't know." or, more stupidly, "I thought I got tell you?" when they didn't even leave me a miss call. Please, for the love of whatever, don't give such last minute crap because some of us GOT TO PLAN before doing that task. And if I didn't fufil it and made you angry, it's because I've got Short Term Memory Loss and I completely FORGOT. -incoherent ranting- x And I heard that the group wished everyone a Happy New Year besides this blogger. Well, I seriously don't give a shit, because I am thinking of leaving anyway. -rawr-. 라벨: incoherent, rants 금요일, 1월 05, 2007, 5:53 오후
usual blabberSchool was okay. Got 4 FREE PERIODS in the morning and started slacking by talking to Xiao Hui and Percy. Had "girl~girl" talk (as Percy puts it) to Xiao Hui and started irritating Percy by speaking Canto. Social Studies/History was the sex! Sat next to Renie and Cheryl and started to flip around our textbooks and point out who was hot and who wasn't. Found out that Renie was in love with Stalin, Cheryl with some random soldier and I with Hitler xD Chatted with Jasmine and Sin Yee too, got to know them better ;D you babes are sexy man. Love you guys (: (Stupid Boon Ping downloaded the "I'm Horny"song and started playing it repeatedly; now that song's stuck in my head, and I freaked Jasmine out by singing it. xD) I seriously can't stand the lians in my class. -you know, the ones that we all hate, who belong to the 'ii lurbbx euu' clan- They were like, trying to climb onto Mr Soh's head (figuratively), and instead of Chinese, we had History of Singapore lesson where Mr Soh was telling us about the history of the MRT. I hope their false eyelashes drop out when they're busy batting them at their boyfriends in class or something. Anything. Whatever. ANDDDDDDDDDD...\ Even though we're 3E6 and the supposedly "lousiest" class in the whole Express Stream, it doesn't give you the reason to gawk at us where we walk right? I'm tired of all the dumb teachers asking me which class I was from - I tell them - and they gave me looks of disbelief and started to ask-rant; "Whyareyouinthisclass yada yada." STUPID. And pls la, I'm being "banned" from speaking to the Sec Ones (HULLO!;D) by nice, sweet, kind Alvin and just don't bug me for it. PLEASE I BEG YOU. And I'm annoyed now, and I I'm trying to get people la, please. bloody shit homeroom system made me like that. rawr. 목요일, 1월 04, 2007, 7:15 오후
it all starts to sink inI still thought I was Sec 2 until Danial asked me what class I was in, and I mumbled, "2E2." School was frustrating and tiring. (You would if you had to lug thick textbooks.) We installed the homeroom system,and we Sec 3 prefects have to be deputy head prefects (there weren't enough prefects anyway). And the Sec 1s. MY GOD. They're damn cute can. Had one firstie who followed me around because she didn't know where to sit, and even was on the verge of having a cardiac arrest after I asked her what her name was. And stupid Percy Kong. Some things you just have to shut up about, you know. Modern Dance made things a little better (: NG XIAO HUI; I LOVE YOU A LOT, DON'T BE DEPRESSED ALREADY! JIAYOU FOR Os TOGETHER BABE!(: I'm out, going to study Biology. More later. 라벨: rants, reflections 수요일, 1월 03, 2007, 9:04 오후
looking at the skies to see if you'd come back.and I'm falling inside of you and i'm not gonna say goodbye all that I want baby; is you. <3 8:38 오후
first daySUCKS. period. Half the class; retained at that, were damn noisy and stuff. Called Mr Soh by his first name, and even had the audacity to ask him about his love life during the ENGLISH DIAGNOSTIC test. (More later.) ANYHOWS, the teachers, thank God. 3E6 `o7 Form teacher; Ms Junice Chia ((((((((((((((((((((: Math teacher: Ms Jillian Khong Lit teacher: Mr Mohammed Said (YAY OMFG) Biology teacher: MR IVIN CHAN ;D Chemistry teacher: Ms Lau Shin Yunn (: Physics teacher: Mr Chong Swee Pan aka Apple Chong PE teacher: the other Mr Chong (OMFG) that's it for now =S 화요일, 1월 02, 2007, 9:55 오전
Oh for fucks sakesI'm typing this as a final say from Wisely and I. Both of us don't want to see you hurt but you've let your own passions take over your sanity. This is a final resort for both of us, and I hope this is the only way to let you regain your senses. Having boyfriends is okay, but it is not okay when you go round having sex with them. Sex is a union between two people who really commit themselves to each other, not two people caught in a short-lived passion. To tell you the truth, we're really tired of repeating the same thing all over again. It's really tiring to hear the same thing all over again. What if you got pregnant? What are you going to do? Seriously, Wisely is already sianded listening to you. I could see from his tone of voice, the way he types things. Both of us really love you, and take our advice seriously. Sean is not a really good boyfriend to have. That fool woke me up at 8 am in the morning to ask me about my sexual life. Like, hello, you're not supposed to ask these kind of questions. Thanks to him I can't go back to sleep. And come on, he says he's not going to dump you. How sure are you? Can you gurantee that? I can forsee that you guys would only last, the most, a year and a half. He keeps asking me to grab myself and pose nude when I'm a model in the future. You're a Christian. Please don't degrade yourself by being a sperm toilet can. You're saying that you're loose. Wisely and I agree a little with what Derek said on ICQ. You're loose. Don't sell your body for something. You have nothing to gain and everything to lose. I remember you asked me to try doing it to see how it feels like. Sorry babe, I will only do it when I am married, thank you very much. I don't want to defile my body by making love with someone I know that will dump me after I satisfy his craving. I will do it with a person I truly love and care about, because I know he'll give me his all and love me. So please, stop flaunting your sexuality infront of our faces. Jason commented on your short skirts and even asked you not to wear them anymore. Wisely is also disgusted by your attitude. Do you know that your acts are making everyone stay away from you? Fedora has almost given up on you. So have I. I'm tired, and please, Wisely, Fedora and I feel like giving you one tight slap to wake you up from your disillusionment. I care about you that's why I wrote this, with the support of Wisely and Fedora. Enough said, I'll save my breath. 1:05 오전
The New YearAs any cynic would, I began 2006 with a really cynical outlook. I was sure that being 14 would suck, being in 2E2 would suck, and fail my Grade 5 practical exam by disastrous propotions that even my teacher would use me as a warning. That 2006 will be an endless one, filled with shit that the teachers dole out for us to gain points, arseholes and things that we all detest. I was proven wrong in certain areas. I love being 14, even if it comes with STM and PMS. I like being young, and hate being assumed I'm in JC. (And I did pass my Grade 5, with flying colours, thank goodness.) And some thankyous; Faith Sim; you will always come first. You're the best best friend anyone could have, with you spouting nonsense to make me laugh almost every second. You who made crude jokes and introduced me to a whole new world of sex positions on wikipedia (oh the horror!) and you who helped me on certain things (although not very certain yourself). I love you, with no lesbian intentions. Fedora; you're the greatest. Thanks for making me feel at home in HoGC, and laughing retardedly with me (albeit loudly) on issues (especially Darren) and studying with me, letting me draw stuff on your Lit book, and for being a great example for me to follow. Love you mucho mucho! Reuben; Thanks for mentoring me and believing in me, and for cracking some Mom and Dad; I really wish you don't find out about this blog, but even if you did, I love you both (: Darren; you irritating person. we've discussed a lot of stuff, ranging from Full House (RAIN JEONG<3) to the fridge that you've always wanted. And for possessing the driest and most amusing wit I've ever had in a friend (: I'll never forget the times that I used you as a verbal punchbag xD thanks! Uthara; For irregular trips to the library, and the regular sarcastic yet witty comments. However, I'll never forgive you for leaking out what you shouldn't, and laughing at my new haircut. Yet, I love you! Sylvia and Tingwei Although I've just met you two, I've felt that we had known each other for a lifetime, and a lifetime we'll last. Thanks to you, Sylvia, I'm now Mrs Camui-Jeong. (: Pick a date when you're both free, darlings, and we'll paint this big ol' town red ;D Nelson; thanks for making me laugh for the oh-so-often narcissic comments about your hair, and the hilarious retorts you hurl mercilessly at Jason. (: You should join ITE's debate team, if they have one ;D thanks for the Xmas pressie too, and I'll get you one when I have the moolah ;D And Honorable mentions Debrah; my fellow Mrs Camui #1, for making me fall more deeply for Gackt ;D And yes, to have a fellow woman to bitch with and endulge in Gackt porn. Call me when you're free, baby, and we'll go out (: Trisha; Thanks, babe, for making me love and treasure Rain even more ;D I'm still drooling over his abs (: And for promising to buy Rain paraphernalia for me at his concert (: Ochida; for being the most romantic and sexiest Japanese friend alive ;D I love you a lot and I still do(: take care of yourself, love, and I send my love to you ;D I'll see you very soon Gackt; for making Debrah and I fall head over heels in love with you. Rain; for making me fall in love with your abs. ;D kidding. I love your persona too ;D 라벨: random, reflections 월요일, 1월 01, 2007, 6:52 오후
mizerable - Gackt Camuikizukanai furi o shite chiisana mado kara tooku o mitsumeteta sora ni hirogaru tenshi no koe kaze ni dakarete hitomi ni utsuru zawameki wa nannimo kikoenakute tada ima wa "amai toki no itazura da" to sora ni tsubuyaita mawaru, mawaru... okizari ni sareta jikan no naka de watashi wa ima les misérables aishisugita anata ga kabe kiwa no mukou de sotto waratteru todokanai kono omoi dake... toiki ni nosete tsumetai kaze o abinagara kurikaesu yoru ni omoi o egaiteta sotto kuchizusamu merodi wa jikan ni kizamarete kieru nido to modorenai kanashimi wa wasurerarenakute ima mo yureru omoi ni somaru koto dekinai karada ga kowaresoude... hitokiri no kanashimi wa doko ni yukeba kieru "wa ta si ni a su wa a ru no..." mawaru, mawaru... okizari ni sareta jikan no naka de watashi wa ima les misérables aishisugita anata ga kabekiwa no mukou de sotto waratteru fukaku fukaku ochiteiku wasurekaketa yume no naka de watashi wa ima les misérables aishisugita anata ga kabekiwa no mukou de sotto waratteru todokanai kono omoi dake... toiki ni nosete English Translation I pretended not to notice And stared far out the small window The angel's voice spreading in the sky Was embraced by the wind The commotion reflected in your eyes can't hear anything Only now I murmured "It was a trick from when I was naïve" Into the sky Turn, turn... Inside of the time that left me behind I am, now, les misérables You who I loved too much are on the other side of the wall Softly smiling Only this feeling that cannot be fulfilled... it's filled into sighs While blasted by the cold wind I relived my memories in the returning night The melody I softly sing to myself Is carved away by time until it vanishes I can't forget the sadness that I cannot return to Even now, my body that cannot taint the flickering emotions Seems to break down Where can I go to make my loneliness vanish "I al ways have to mor row..." Turn, turn... Inside of the time that left me behind I am, now, les misérables You who I loved too much are on the other side of the wall Softly smiling Deeply, deeply falling inside of the dream that I only started to forget I am, now, les misérables You who I loved too much are on the other side of the wall Softly smiling Only this feeling that cannot be fulfilled... it's filled into sighs 単語、Gackt氏に感じを入れることの巨匠である。 <3 3:03 오전
MERRIER NEW YEAR DARLINGS!<3loved a lot by Naomi!(: hannah's brother is uber cute lurrhhhhh. looks like L! *squeals pictures of HoGC's New Year Countdown will be UP as soon Tereza and Lucie sends me the photos *glares evily* and I slept at the hairdressers. Now I look like ling!. No kidding. Even HANNAH and NELSON could not recognize me today. >.< Fedora, Ting Wei and Wen Min told me I looked better. BLEAH. I'm darn sleepy, so I'm OUT God bless |