so we'd spread love like violence; ♥
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♥ rai·son d'ê·tre (rā'zōn dět'rə,) {존재 이유}n. pl.reason or justification for being or existence 나는
![]() naomi jung 서여정, 三浦 なおみ 29 june 1992 ngee ann poly mass communications Rorsharch ink blot Pianist J Tune Entertainment & ooooh, Rain 비 = ♥
Heart of God Church ♥ b41
/more about me 나의 남편!
정지훈/Rain/Jihoon - the husband. 용어
Ajumma (아줌마) : Auntie 할말!
♥ Heart Of God Church 명사
♥ Abingdon Boys School 블로그
Blogs I read: 주크박스
11월 2005 12월 2005 1월 2006 2월 2006 3월 2006 4월 2006 5월 2006 6월 2006 7월 2006 8월 2006 9월 2006 10월 2006 11월 2006 12월 2006 1월 2007 2월 2007 3월 2007 4월 2007 5월 2007 6월 2007 7월 2007 8월 2007 9월 2007 10월 2007 11월 2007 12월 2007 1월 2008 2월 2008 3월 2008 4월 2008 5월 2008 6월 2008 7월 2008 8월 2008 9월 2008 10월 2008 11월 2008 12월 2008 감사
Layout: vehemency |
수요일, 10월 31, 2007, 5:03 오후
` 826; -Naomi faster learn Korean then you'll know what Mr Jeong's saying! :D *and thank God he recovered fast enough so he can do that jump on Touch Ya (: 라벨: Rain 11:13 오전
` 825; - you've got me going onOhmygawdzxzxzxzxzxxzz, I miss JOYCE LEE HUIQING like crazy. Hurry up finish your O Level Higher Chinese so we can go out together k. Can talk talk walk walk shop shop :D & then talk about the husbands! HAHAHA. :D you make me so happy. & remember friday! go out eat with korean classmates :D I seriously don't know what happened to my husband k. I have not been going to sexybi/soompi/rainsingapore/baidu for a longggggggg time. ): So I don't know what's going on. But nevermind! He'll come back to visit/be with me again, I AM SURE OF IT :D *hugs Rain!* *-squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i'm a happy happy girl after recalling the glance (and conversation!) I stole from millions of fangirls at BKK Concert! MUAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAA. I can never never forget the wink! *swoon* Trish be jealous. HAAHA. My dad has finally came to the conclusion that, with Rain, I'm a gone case. :D I can't resist but post a pic of *squeeeeeeeeeeeeee JIHOON! :D ![]() JEONG JIHOON FOREVER :} 9:35 오전
` 824; - where my heart iscredits: Eric! :D I was in church yesterday, for the Schools! meeting with Joanne :D It was really awe inspiring. We shouldn't rely on others to bring people, we rely on ourselves and work as a team. The other Christians are not doing anything, so it's up to us to do something. A person, a soul. Just stepping into church totally wiped out all the arguments I had the day before with the Parental Government. I love my church. I really really do. As I walked into the compound with Angelina and Weekiat (we didn't notice Angelina was on the same bus! :O), I felt this sense of relief? wash over me. Church is an awesome place. Here, the people are so transparent that you know every single thing about them. Not like the real world where people are opaque, hiding behind a facade. Sometimes they are so self-absorbed that they don't like that person and then they crush the spirits of that victim by gossiping, putting them down so that they themselves will feel the glory. Why don't you just start loving? Don't give me that nonsense that you love the guy or whatever and he broke your heart and that you have to heal it back. That's not called loving, that's being vulnerable. Loving people is just simply accepting them for what they are and not look down on them even though they may have characteristics that really piss you off. My church is the best place ever. When you turn a corner or just walk up the spiral staircase to the Fussball area, people will smile at you, slap a high-five, say a thing or two to you. That's what my church is all about. Love. I used to live and revolve my life around the real-world. I used to have this really good girlfriend who would go out with me and such and such, then she ended the relationship :/ but it was a blessing in disguise anyway. I got to spend more time in church, doing ministry and just hanging out with my CG! :D It was nice knowing you, but I'm glad I moved to this better place. This place where I actually feel loved and accepted, and I can go around loving people who needs love. - Had a really good time worshipping God and praying, Joel finally managed to come. HAHAH. After that, Weekiat, Joel and I walked all the way to Munchy Donuts. :D We then shared the cost and had 4 donuts a person :O Bussed home. HAHAHA. Joel was teasing Weekiat all the way. Hilarious. Man, I must rly go and do Bio alr. Goodbye! 라벨: church, introspection 화요일, 10월 30, 2007, 8:28 오전
` 823; -For God said, "I'll never leave you nor forsake you." 라벨: white noise 월요일, 10월 29, 2007, 10:32 오후
` 822; - I WILL BREAK PARENTAL OBJECTION AND ALL THAT NONSENSE IN JESUS' NAME. Even though I have no money, I will praise Him. Pray in faith! The weak says, "I have strength." & I won't walk this road alone cause I know You are the best of me I won't do it on my own Cause in You I've found my destiny The road is long the valley is deep the ocean's wide infront of me BUT GOD SAVED THE DAY (: 라벨: God 7:03 오후
` 821; - remapping the human soulDear _________, Yes, you killed me over a chipped coffee cup. It wasn't supposed to happen, really, I was just serving you coffee. I didn't know that there was a chip, really I swear I didn't. It was just another normal day when I am up and about in the kitchen and you were just reading the daily newspaper - I didn't knew you read newspapers. It must have been a sign. Since I knew you from young I didn't even know you read. Sorry, I digress. However, it wasn't my fault for the chipped mug. It must have been Randall's. Your son. Our son. How many times have I told him not to touch the mugs? Lots. It couldn't be Wendy - Wendy's too gentle to put a chip in that cup. Still, it doesn't give you any reason to pull out the revolver. I hope you're not going to jail now, aren't you, because I (still) love you. Maybe it's my fault for giving you that cracked cup. I'm sorry. 라벨: fiction 11:22 오전
` 820; -I was worshipping during service yesterday. "You will be successful -insert picture of house- and you will be loved. So don't worry." My God is a cool God (: - I think Pastor How's sermons and God speaking through him never ceases to amaze me. (Pastor Lia, you too!) Pastor How was talking about Simplicity on Saturday, and it has never been more relevant even though it was "meant" for the Zone G people. It's true, I'm always sensitive to people. Overly sensitive. Like for example if someone just says something I don't like or doesn't mince his/her words, I'd go emo and stuff. But now I'm secure in God (: I've always thought of the world as some weird place where people go around faking relationships just for the sake of getting advantages. The adults call it "networking." I remember quite clearly, about a few years ago, I was in my parent's church. I asked an affluent uncle there why he came to church. He said, "to network." He said that because in that church, there were quite a lot of well-to-do people, some of which are my father's friends. My parents also know the importance of networking, and they urge me to go to RJC or some /atas/ junior college, to network, gain some affluent friends, and possibly, a well-to-do smart husband. (PAH. The only husband I'll get is a strong Christian from HOGC:D) They were crushed when I was posted to Hougang Sec. But now Hougang Sec is in a revival (: And I've gained 2 Best Friends along the way too :D Sorry, I digressed. The point is, why build fake relationships? Why waste your time to maintain something that isn't real at all? Might as well build something real and enjoy the relationship. Just be simple, keep your heart simple. Be in the world but not of the world. - This holiday is going to be like WOAH. CG Halloween dressup, I'm going as Facebook's Catholic Schoolgirl Vampire! Parachute Band! 21 Nov! B & C Zone Camp! Vacation Bible School! Can't wait! Big Day! And Christmas! I'LL BE DOING DECO FOR BIG DAY, Y'ALL! && lots lots lots of new friends (: Best Friend says we'll get enough people to book our own HOGC prom table HAHAHAHAH. FAITH (: DREAM TEAM (: 일요일, 10월 28, 2007, 10:40 오후
` 819; -OMG LOOKIEEEEE. REVIVAL! :D 8 people and COUNTING. (: Hougang Sec is in a revival revival revivalllllllllllllllll :D -insert funny handwave- - It's getting even harder for me to go to church. The parents have cut off all my financial supplies. Sooooo... trust in God (: Sorry to JO, and esp. Weekiat, Tingwei & Sylvia that I suddenly burst out in tears today. Sorry Best Friend that I yelled and beat you ): Not your fault. AND LYNN WONDERFULLY TREATED ME TO DINNER (: ILY! I rly don't know. ): If only. If only. If only. I srsly need new skin. Dermatologically speaking. Seriously. I don't know what I'm mumbling about. I think I must be deranged. I'm starting to think Spawn is some kind of seaweed when he is actually some retarded comic character. Weekiat, the joke's over and it's not funny anymore. ): So stop telling everyone that I said Spawn moves his hands in the air gay-like already. ): I'm MSN-ing everyone and talking rubbish. I think I'm going nuts. And I've been dreaming of my husband's face for a week but I can't bear to think of him. ): Sorry Ji-hoon. ): 미안에... 사랑해, 보고싶어요 ): I'm in dire need of motivation of any sort, it feels like the whole world is crashing on my shoulders. I feel like Job now, with acne popping up all over the place and I'm not getting good enough results and just being plain lazy. Now it's much harder to overcome. I'm exhausted. But I'll try. 'Cause I'll follow you into the dark; 라벨: blabber 토요일, 10월 27, 2007, 10:45 오후
` 818; -SERVICE WAS AWESOME. PLANPLANPLAN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! - Now I'm thinking about life and such, and I'm really amazed that God really planned my life for me! I remember that I was all weird and emo and all in Sec 1 and 2 as I could not click well with my peers, and I came to Heart of God Church by a miracle (Lucie invited Prisia who invited me) and I GOT PLANTED. (: *claps* Then I had amazing friends , Fedora, Tingwei and B2 (we were part of B2 then) Luce and I at Parkview, 2006 Dec Fedora & I, Vacation Bible School, FTMS, 2006 Tingwei & I, FTMS 2007 God just helped me to EV people... I got my Best Friend, Faith saved, Denise saved... 3 of my primary school friends initially got saved, then God allowed Holy Discouragement... And they backslided. They so totally missed the opportunity to be the second generation of leaders in Heart of God... where we can actually bear the burden with Pastors... Then God answered my prayer for revival in Hougang Sec! Weekiat got planted, then Joel, then Angelina Koh... B4, FTMS, 2007 I'm sure we'll BREAKTHROUGH IN HOUGANG SEC! From 2 to 5, it's certainly amazing. All that I know now is that I'll not backslide, I'll become a leader in HOGC. I can imagine Weekiat, Joel, Edwin, Jia En, Jun Hao, Esther and Angelina growing up together, going through JC/Poly together, university together, and just being in HOGC and serving God. The future is simply amazing. ![]() WE ARE THE DREAM TEAM (: 라벨: white noise 12:59 오전
` 817; - dream teamHad CG today and it was awesome. Today's CG really answered my question! Because I've seen everyone put "DREAM TEAM" on their MSN nickname, and I was curious. Samantha preached about the "Dream Team", and she said one phrase which was really true "Loving God is easy, but fearing God is the true test of your character." Amazing. Most of us treat God as just someone who we can blah to, to just heal us and such, but how many of us would actully drop everything and obey Him? Relationships must be 2-way, when He helps us, we obey Him back. And, Jesus is super super zai. He chose to die on the cross for us, when He could actually back out. "Father, please take this Cup away from me if possible, nevertheless, not my will but Yours be done." WOAH man. And as for the Dream Team, they are a team of people who would bear the burden together with Pastors and the leaders! I want to be part of the Dream Team! :D - During CG we played the chair game. My team wonderfully lost, and we were supposed to eat the mealworm jellies (REAL MEALWORMS) that Chelsea brought. It tasted... agary and crunchy. And the mealworm was like chaoda. Daniel (Goh) saw me eating and he looked totally disgusted, and Weijie was like, "EWWWWWWW." Had fun grossing out the living daylights out of Best Friend by chewing the agar really slowly. Dinner was fun (: Joel bought whipped cream and all of us sprayed it into our mouths. HAHAHA ![]() This is (part of) the dream team (: Took videos of Weekiat and Joel spraying the cream into their mouths. HAHA. Okay I need to catch up on beauty sleep. Bye all (: 라벨: b4, God, white noise 금요일, 10월 26, 2007, 10:08 오후
` 816; -YUXUAN): // 3years9subjects says: i think you've got childish friends ★ ☆ nao'ymi jeong!; ♥.† hunger; put a song in my mouth says: do you think i should delete the post YUXUAN): // 3years9subjects says: don't think so ba YUXUAN): // 3years9subjects says: i wouldn't YUXUAN): // 3years9subjects says: i will even put a link back there for everyone to see ★ ☆ nao'ymi jeong!; ♥.† hunger; put a song in my mouth says: HAHAHAH why YUXUAN): // 3years9subjects says: well. YUXUAN): // 3years9subjects says: let us not pollute this conver and waste precious vulgarities on such insolent brats. - Well, it doesn't matter if I remove that post or not, because; It'll still be the same; even if I relocate it to wordpress or whatever, you'll still be against me and hate me. Wellllllllllllllllllll, this post is here to stay. As I quote from Best Friend & Joel: "Deal with it." :P - & I guess if Ling! goes into the same JC as I do, we'd be really really really good friends (: 라벨: blabber 12:00 오후
` 815; - my heritageHad fun playing with MyHeritage, the face recognition thingy. Tried 3 times with photos of my family, and here are the results: Me: BoA (she appeared in EVERY photo I put of myself), Fiona Xie, Lee Hyori (D:!) , Nakashima Mika, Joey Yung, Gong Li (!), Bunko Kanazawa. Mum: TATA YOUNG, Joey Yung, Kyoko Fukada, Miriam Yeung, Gillian Chung (?!), KANGTA T_T At least we got a celeb that looks like us. And Dad? He was JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE. (She's freaky and I likeeee it. xD) 라벨: white noise 목요일, 10월 25, 2007, 11:24 오후
` 814; - when Naomi's angry, she's angrySome people can just be so immature/stupid/dense/cretinous. And I've never been so angry in my life. Best Friend, Joel and I were supposed to go out after school, and Best Friend happily strolled out with KLLY (subtle, much?) and her sidekick (no prizes for guessing who) to Hougang Green as they stole his bag. Klly then had the audacity to sling his bag over her shoulder and Best Friend followed them (what can he do, he's such a gentleman.) They then used his phone to call me, and when I picked up, they went all "Oooooh, she said, "Where are you, dear?" OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH." -insert rigorous R21 scene here- Joel and I walked, WALKED MIND YOU, to Hougang Green, and had Klly and her mofo WASTE 45 MINUTES OF OUR *&%^$&@ TIME. 45 minutes x 2 people = 90 minutes. Of precious time wasted. Do the math. Joel: "WHAT THE HELL LA." Naomi: "-censored-." Joel: "HOOKEY HOOKEY HOOHA" *grumble grumble grumble* And when Joel went in to negotiate (I wasn't there because Joel told me not to go into LJS as it'll make the matter worse), and according to him, Best Friend just sat there, whining for his bag back when Joel was being attacked by verbal enemy cannons. Joel and I ignored Best Friend the whole way. Joel's side: Best Friend could have done something, like take a firm stand. He's too gentleman and not alert at all. It's all Best Friend's fault. Best Friend's side: It's both of you. Where were my 2 best friends when I needed them? Joel could just stay there for 3 more minutes and they'll give me back my bag. Or, you (meaning me, Naomi) could just go in. They were waiting for you to claim my bag. Then they fought in the MRT all the way to Orchard T_T and I sat there, burying my face in my Korean Textbook, hoping no one could see that I was Best Friend to the two screaming-in-your-face public debaters. I'M INFURIATED. VERY. I'm a little annoyed at Best Friend, but I'm more angry with Klly and her henion. This is all I have to say: YOU'RE WASTING MY TIME. MY TIME. I had planned out my schedule nicely and arranged everything and you &*^&%%$ wasted my *&$%#^% time. What's it to you if I go out with him? He's my best friend, not your boytoy. We could've got to Orchard earlier and go to church earlier if you hadn't done this. There's something called used to. You're a Used To. I'm infuriated with you already. Isn't it enough for you, teasing me in school, biting him on the shoulder, stealing his bag, et cetra et cetra? NO? -Yuxuan told me not to censor this but I shall- And as for you, sidekick, please stop preaching the fine values of Christianity when you are not a person of such values yourself. It's called HYPOCRISY. I've been noticing your blog, and one post it goes, "Oh Jesus You died for me, why are we humans so bad and yadda yadda yadda" and the next post it's "F**K! (insert lianish language)" OHWOW. WOWWWWWWWW. *cue to roll eyes* Whatever, seriously. I've actually tried to be civil towards /them/, to put it crudely, not to directly suan them in the face. If you want to settle any relationship issues, go find a shrink. Mere 15-year-old mortals like him and I are not worthy enough to examine your immortal emotions. & I would really like to elaborate, but it's against my moral standards. [/edit] What's the use of apologising when you (still) do it repeatedly? Meh. [/edit] HA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. To quote Michelle, "Sour grapes." :P 라벨: rant 수요일, 10월 24, 2007, 6:55 오후
` 813; - a transparency of youThis year has been /okay/ really, nothing too sacchrine nor too bitter, but definately bittersweet. I guess it has various ups and downs for a short period of time but I SURVIVED. (: It seemed like yesterday when I was choosing my subject combination, mugging for the EOYs as a sec 2, and just going hookeyhookeyhooha. Memories with - and -, going to Punggol Beach with -, and just being plain nerdy. I'll try to remember those, if I can remember them all. I think I really changed a lot. (REALLY.) One year and a handful of friends lost but much more found; This year has flown past like a dove. From that day awkwardly sitting next to Xiao Hui in my new class and enduring the smoke that seems to perpetually float from the girls' toilet, I've been waiting for the final schoolbell to ring and now it has, but I don't feel any nostalgia, sadness, nor euphoria. There were good times, there were bad times. At least I know how immature some people are. However, maybe I've been waiting for this for a very long time, some sense of ennui-ness has seeped into every fiber of my being, filling everything up and freezing all my nerves; when the time finally came, it is devoid of purpose, nor meaning. Those goals that I once dreamt of Are now just small, insignificant things If I can open my heart and say these words I should have just stepped forward and went ahead Feels like my chest is bursting. There's nothing I can do Those thoughts hidden deep within I broadcast them with passion I will bear it all on my own There's nothing which you cannot stride across Except for the road you want to take (You better be yourself) There's no other which you need to worry about (You better be yourself) First of all, believe. Do what you wanna do There will definitely be people who will walk along with you [Rain Jeong] 라벨: introspection 화요일, 10월 23, 2007, 11:17 오후
` 812; -Don't ask. 라벨: white noise 11:45 오전
` 811; -Weekiat says he knows someone who is fatter than me. Now I am so chaoji happy :D Self is not fat. -repeats mantra- && I FOUND MY DICTIONARY. THANK YOU CUTE KID WHO ACTUALLY GAVE IT TO THE TEACHER (: &JOYCE! How much I miss you sooo ): Don't worry girl, remember our shopping & gymming outing(s)! Love. Now the O levels are coming for us 1992 babies. JIAYOU :D AND DON'T BE SO LAZY. (you know who you are) Pictures up soonnnnnnnn. 라벨: blabber 월요일, 10월 22, 2007, 9:56 오후
` 810; -Now I don't like you already. ): 라벨: blabber 8:25 오후
` 809; -"I know men and I tell you Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between Him and every other person in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander Caesar, Charlemagne and I fonded our empires, but upon what did we rest the creation of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded His empire upon love and at this hour millions of men would die for Him." -Napoleon Bonaparte 7:10 오후
` 808; -List up to ten things you want to say to ten different people in no particular order. Do not state who these people are. 1. I LOVE YOU, MORE THAN LIFE. TAKE ALL OF ME ♥ 2. I wish you were right here beside me, now. 3. HAHA. So whatever man. 4. I love you but you don't know it. Perhaps you never will. 5. You are CRAZY. 6. Thank you so so much for cheering me up when I'm down. ILY ♥ 7. If we'd knew each other better, maybe we'd be very very good friends. & I've been secretly admiring you from afar :/ 8. I want to eat ice cream. Your treat? 9. Continue to believe in me as I in you ♥ 10. Maybe you should just spend your time studying and not waste it on me. Thank you. 라벨: white noise 10:50 오전
` 807; - can't stop loveDear ________, I can't believe I'm writing another letter to you again. Weren't you supposed to not be in my heart at all? I was supposed to erase you from my thoughts, my memories and just see you as a person, a person who was (and still is), my best friend. I have tried, you know, really tried. Until the extent of actually trying to touch you through the glass pane; however it is something like that glass pane that seperates me from you. Sometimes I wish we could just forget about everything, and just... ces't la vie. Remember the calls I used to give you that lasted till late and the short but sweet messages tinted with childish humor? I hope you still remember, because I saw you secretly saving it into your handphone and pretend to check your messages,but you were actually reading them. I find myself dreaming about you, your eyes that harbours mystery (I loved your eyes), your porcelain skin, your lopsided Brad Pitt-esque grin you so loved to give me. If only if fate miraclously whisks us to somewhere far far away - Full House, for instance - I could have you. You alone. To wake up in the morning and see your beautiful face just inches away from mine. Full-stop. The imagination stops here, for I have homework to do. But, I hate doing stuff when there are plenty of things on my mind; like you. 라벨: fiction 일요일, 10월 21, 2007, 10:27 오후
` 805; -![]() Stole this from Liyana :D The Arena was :/. Go figure. Met Weekiat & Edwin, then trained to Bugis in my blazer. ): Then met Deleon, Denise, IMAN! & Samantha. Walked around Bugis. Fedora went with Denise to buy G-strings (!) and whatnot. &&. HAHAHAHAHA. Denise had to explain to - what was the difference between a G-string & a THONG. =.= She even DREW it out for him like zomfg. Trained to Marina with Fedora and Wee. Fedora dragged Wee to TOPMAN & made him try funny clothes. No pictures, Wee threatened to smash my phone if I ever took pictures. But him with the fedora (HAHAHA) hat was quite nice though. :D Trained home. Tired. ): - I missed the no name event today! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH. ): - God show me more of You ♥ 라벨: white noise 10:36 오전
` 804; -2 A2s, 1 B4, 1 C6, 1 F9, 1 D7, 1 B3. Go figure. 라벨: white noise 목요일, 10월 18, 2007, 4:46 오후
` 803; -cause there is nobody else in my mind & you're in my heart I can feel your beat & you move my mind from behind the wheel when I lose control I can only breathe your name 라벨: white noise 3:31 오후
` 802; - It's funny how some people just live a lie. 라벨: white noise 수요일, 10월 17, 2007, 10:16 오후
` 801; -Lord, I want to see You, I want more of You. I long to see Your face. Show me how to live. THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR SAVING ME. ❤ 라벨: God, white noise 7:39 오후
` 799; - I promoted. I promoted. I PROMOTED. :D - After school, met Sylvia & Lynn at Bugis. Saw SAMANTHA (my alumni senior) there waiting for someone. Ate at Burger King with her and talked talked talked. I WANT CARGO PANTS ): I saw one for $39.90 but might as well go S&K. 2 pairs for $40. Lynn left for Bras Brasah and Sylvia & I went to Marina Square to walk around, ogling at the stuffs there and promising to bring our mothers there the next time we shop. Met Wenjun and Nelson at Far East. BOUGHT HOGC-LIKE EARRINGS WITH SYLVIA :D Trained home, that was all. ): I feel like some boring old blogger. - I betcha that we'll grow till we'll book our own prom table :D HOUGANG SEC 15!!! 라벨: blabber 화요일, 10월 16, 2007, 11:40 오후
` 797; - lamentDear _________, I began your letter on the bus on the way to school and finished it just as it turned the corner. I thought of a nice catchphrase you could use, and envisioned you rolling your eyes on the empty seat beside me and that did it. My catchphrase flew out of the window with sentiment. See there, you should be happy; I'm trying to redeem myself with a poem, but no apologetic prose, I'm afraid. I had grand mirages of us being together forever, as bright as certain stars in the sky (how cliché). I see me with love, with you but not with you. But I don't understand. Why you? That aside, I dreamed about soccer stories, perceptions, a brief pause to think, observe and then rise to a glorious cresendo before ending at a grave, or your lips. (Probably your lips) Another perfect poem never written. Love doodles by me on your reciepts, letters, tissue skin, hands, arm once I wrote on your back with an imaginary pen and several times now In the margins of our favourite books. This one had somewhere to go, but don't they all? We wrote what we could. That's why writers rarely make it far in love; they pause and then continue for a short time and then crunch the paper up. Even so, I wish you were here beside me. 라벨: fiction 월요일, 10월 15, 2007, 11:18 오후
` 796; -![]() JESUS INCREASE, I DECREASE. - Something super SUPER funny happened today :D B4, MSN/message me for details. Isaiah 50:7-9 7 For the Lord God will help me Therefore I will not be disgraced Therefore I have set my face like a flint And I know I'll not be ashamed. 8 He is near who justifies me Who will contend with me? Let us stand togeher Who is my adversary? Let him come near me. 9 Surely the Lord God will help me Who is he (or SHE) who will condemn me? Indeed they will all grow old like a garment And the moth will eat them up. I was feeling really discouraged, and suddenly this verse pops up in my head. Instantly I feel recharged :D 라벨: God 4:10 오후
` 795; - fibs(Stole from Ling!. heh.) Bold the statements that are true to you. Italise the statements that you WISH are true. Leave the Fibs alone. I miss somebody right now. I do not watch tv these days. I wear glasses or contact lenses. I love to play video games. I have tried marijuana. I have been in a threesome. I believe honesty is usually the best policy. I have changed mentally over the last year. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me. I curse. I'm totally smart. I've broken someone's bones. I'm paranoid sometimes. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. I need money right now. I love sushi. I talk really, really fast. I have long hair. I have lost money in Las Vegas. I have at least one sibling. I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past. I couldn't survive without Caller ID. I like the way I look. I am usually pessimistic. I have a lot of mood swings. I have a hidden talent. I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have. I have a lot of friends. I am currently single. I have pecked someone of the same sex. I enjoy talking on the phone. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants. I love to shop. Enjoy window shopping. I would rather shop than eat. I don't hate anyone. I'm a pretty good dancer. I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother. I have a cell phone. I believe in God. I watch MTV on a daily basis. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months. I've rejected someone before. I want to have children in the future. I have changed a diaper before. I've called the cops on a friend before. I'm not allergic to anything. I have a lot to learn. I'm shy around members of the opposite sex. I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past. I have tried alcohol before. I own the South Park movie. I would die for my best friend. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza. I have used my sexuality to advance my career. I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it. I am happy at this moment! I'm obsessed with guys. I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met. I study for tests most of the time. I am comfortable with who I am right now. I have more than just my ears pierced. I walk barefoot wherever I can. I have jumped off a bridge. I love sea turtles. I spend ridiculous money on makeup. Plan on achieving a major goal/dream. I'm proficient in a musical instrument. I worked at McDonald's restaurant. I hate office jobs. I love sci-fi movies. I think water rules. I went college out of state. I like sausages. I love kisses. I fall for the worst people. I adore bright colours. I can't live without black eyeliner. I don't know why the hell I just did this stupid thing. I usually like covers better than originals. I can pick up things with my toes. I can't whistle. I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake's slither. I have ridden/owned a horse. I still have every journal I've written in. I can't stick to a diet. I talk in my sleep. (Used to at least. Still do. Sometimes.) I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions. I have jazz in my blood. Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time. I wear a toe ring. I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with. I am a caffeine junkie. I cosplay or know what cosplaying is. I have been to over 15 conventions. I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better. (I used to collect different school foolscap papers. I still do.) I'm an artist. I only clean my room when necessary. I like a person of the same sex. I love being happy. I am an adrenaline junkie. 라벨: quizzes 일요일, 10월 14, 2007, 11:53 오후
` 793; -I feel like I need a tofu cushion. I need something to hug and punch right now. 你说把爱渐渐放下会走更远 又何必去改变你走过的时间 你用力的指尖只是和我说再见 想想你在身边才完全失去之前 라벨: white noise 10:42 오전
` 792; -Went to Serangoon Gardens Country Club to celebrate Edward's birthday last night (: There were like, 10 people in our CG who went (including me & Best Friend) and Best Friend's dad came to pick us up. DELEON FOO HAPPILY FARTED IN THE CAR. ): Tingwei: "Deleon, are you trying to flirt with me?" Naomi: "Who wants to flirt with you?" Reached, and ate and ate till we were bloated. Probably burst a hole in Uncle's pocket ): BUT it was GOOD (: Fedora and Tingwei were fighting over the last chicken wing. ![]() And a super unglam picture of Best Friend: ![]() Who's the kid now HUH HUH HUH?! Still dare to call me childish. TSK. Then Best Friend's relatives came,and it was super funny. They were like embarassing him in front of all of us. Relative #1: "What is he known to all of you? Wee Kiat... Alvin... or Wei Jie?" Naomi: "Cheese." Relative #1: "WHAT?! Why cheese? Not hunk, Mr Handsome or something? And how do you know he really likes cheese?" Naomi: "Don't know." Fedora: "Wee Kiat, you know your name in the attendance list was Cheese for 5 whole months?" Best Friend: "WHAT?!" Relative #2: "Why are you wearing the same T'shirt colour?" *points to both Best Friend and I* Naomi "ehhhh... eh...There was supposed to be one more person to join us but he pangsehed us." Relative #2: "What is pangsei?" Best Friend: "Like, ditched us." Uncle: "Ahhh... fang shen.... " SUPER FUNNY. Now Joel, Me and Best Friend have acquired a family name. Joel Houhouhou Hong Naomi Houhouhou Jeong Alvin Cheese Houhouhou Yap. ): Sylvia ah. Played snooker with the rest, until there were like Me, Joel, Best Friend, Edward, Lynn and Nicholas left. We took one hour to play one round. ): && I REALLY LOVE LOVE LYNN YAP YING LING, THE CUTEST KID ON THIS HAPPY PLANET. ![]() She insisted on taking the photo herself (: Best Friend said he'll sell her off for 50 cents. &, she used my phone to send messages to Best Friend. ): But I still love her. :D She was :D And Best Friend's parents sent me home (: 라벨: white noise 12:32 오전
` 791; - what measures your faith?During 1910 to 1945, the Korean citizens suffered under the Japanese Oppression, and the Korean Christians revolted by refusing to bow down to the Japanese national shrine because they saw it as idol worship. As a result, the Korean Christians were arrested and tortured by the Japanese. Among them, there was an exhorter named Chae In Kyu who attended the Chun Kok Church in the city of Kang Reung. In Kyu was then badly beaten up by the Japanese for not giving up his faith. His torturers asked for him to give up Jesus but he would not. He insisted that it wasn't right and he would never betray Him because Jesus died for him. He endured the beatings, clutching to him his small wooden cross. His friend tried to plead for him, saying that he was not of the right mentality and he was mentally ill. The officer retorted to the woman that if she wanted to believe in Jesus, have faith like Chae In Kyu, who was giving up his life for Jesus. In Kyu refused to bow down to the Japanese flag, to the direction of Japan or to the Emperor like many Christians did at that time, which brought on more sufferings and persecutions. But he still endured it all, carrying his small wooden cross. He was beaten till he could not recover from his wounds, and he was transferred to Daejun Prison Hospital where he passed away on 6 December, 1942. Rejoyce as you partake in the sufferings of Christ, that your blessings may be revealed to you. 1 Peter 4:3 Do you have faith like Chae In Kyu? I would die for Jesus. He died for me, so I'll live for Him. 라벨: God, introspection 토요일, 10월 13, 2007, 10:24 오전
` 790; - the pimpleShe stared in the mirror, and saw this bright red pustule perched onto her nose. She have had these before, during adoloscence. Now she's a grown-up woman, with a good job and a convertible to boot. Her job does not require pimples. Neither does she. She took a shower, hoping that the cold water would soothe the colour. Nothing changed as she stepped out of the shower and examined it again. She dressed up for her photoshoot, and tried to heap concealer and foundation on the pustule. It was still here and it HURT. "Forget it," she told herself. She stepped out of her apartment, and started to rev up her convertible and drove to work. When she reached, she stepped out of her car. Everyone seemed to be staring at that offending zit on her nose. Sometimes this world just stares at other people's pimples, without having to care that they have their own acne to think about. 라벨: introspection 금요일, 10월 12, 2007, 11:19 오후
` 789; - DECO MINISTRY!!I did Deco today! :D Super interesting. Oh & before I post pictures of my beautiful maiden voyage, I AM VERY PISSED. As I bought the flowers and walked along the road to the bus stop, it was raining very heavily and then the road was so flooded that I had no choice but to walk on the concrete road dividers. Then this lorry with his bearded guy inside had to merrily rush and happily splash me all over with DIRTY MUDDY RAINWATER from head to toe. Oh I love life & it's fine ways. *rolls eyes* Reached church with my hair soaked and makeup running. ): DEFINATELY NOT GLAM ENOUGH FOR THE RED CARPET. Then Winnie came and we did the flowers! (: Sat at the admin alfresco side. With lots of candles. Pasta. KFC Zinger. Atmosphere of God. Bliss. Deco ministry does have its perks (: MY CREATION (: It was supposed to be for reception, but then Winnie said that it should be put in Pastors' Office instead. ㅋ.ㅋ 애!!! 서여정 화이팅!!! :3 I decided to be a little more 自恋, thus I took some more pictures! CHIO RIGHTTTTTTTTTTT?!!?!?!?!!??! :DDDDD ![]() This was Winnie's creation :DDDDDDDDD I LOVE DECO. 라벨: blabber, deco ministry 1:01 오후
` 788; - I know lah I know I'm probably the last one to watch this, but well; ![]() OMG OMG the film was so good. Especially the piano scenes! & I didn't know Chopin was Jay Chou's favourite composer too! This was the first time I cried so much in a film. I shed buckets of tears at the last part where XiaoYu got teased by her classmates and stuff, and she confided it in her teacher... Sounds familliar now, no? I am so motivated to collect all of Chopin's scores! :D And to find Le Cygne too! :D Undoubtly one of the BEST films I've ever watched (: Will catch a loverboy who learns/appreciates piano/violin <3 라벨: reviews 목요일, 10월 11, 2007, 10:28 오전
` 787; - The girl and guy sat, at a quaint Italian restaurant. He smiled at her, and asked her what she would like. She suggested a dish which was not expensive, and they could share it and split the bill at the same time. He nodded, and paid for it. "I came here for the first time when I was 6," she started. "Yes, me too. I would play in the fountain and get squirted." He recalled, laughing. "You would not like to know who I came here with the last time," he added. "Her?" "Yeah. Her. Nothing special really. No it's not what you think!" He defended when he saw her raised eyebrow. "Yeah right," she said teasingly, as the food was being served. He heaped some on her plate before beginning to eat his share. "What do you think of me?" She casually asked, a simple question admist the gaggle of giggling girls sitting at the table next to them. "Hmmm?" he looked up, chewing. "Ai tink yew arh okay" he said, still chewing, scrunching up his face as he thought. "Very very easy to communicate with." "Really." "Yeah. I can just say what I want to say without thinking that it'll hurt you or something. But when I'm with her," he stabbed at another portion, "I don't know what to say. It's like... I have nothing to talk about." "Okay." "You're friendly too," he continued, sipping her drink, "one of the best people I know." "구래..." "Yeah... funny too. You say the most random things." he finished. "Do you want the cheese?" he enquired, pointing the fork at the cheese clinging on the plate. She shook her head. "But... I think when you outgrow this stage," he started again, "You'll be very pretty." "Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Why the random comment?" "People have been saying how ugly you look and stuff... but don't listen to them." "HAHA I can't be like those model-esquite girls," she pointed at a japanese magazine. "Never say never. Never is a word for satanic people. "OKAY! I will be like that!" "Over-confidence is a very dangerous thing too," he chuckled. "HEY!" "Let's go already, shall we? We're late." They stood up, took their bags and left the restaurant, the warmth of their hands on the forks and their conversation still lingered on both the metal and the air. 라벨: introspection, white noise 12:03 오전
` 786; -最愛の声が私達をもう一度会う ので私達であるによってがだったあなたの目に この中心、私... ことができない私... 私は壊れること、それが夢停止この... Please let this dream carry on 라벨: white noise 수요일, 10월 10, 2007, 9:00 오후
` 785; -![]() My God is a cool God :D 라벨: God 7:23 오후
` 784; -What am I to you? - Happy happy happy :D After school, went with Sin Yee to pierce ears. Then Best Friend came and we went to Bugis to meet Fedora. Forgot that I asked her to meet me at City Hall. ): 미안네 언니... Best Friend & I then ate at Pastamania :D Ate Garfield's favourite food. Walked around Bugis :D Best Friend and I bought identical rings, (and we wanted to buy for Joel but don't know his size) and Fedora bought a thunderbolt one :D Then went to Peninsular Plaza to meet Nelson when Fedora had to go school. And then walked around Far East. OMGOMGOMG. I LOVE MY SHIRT I BOUGHT TODAY FROM GRAPHITE! HAHAHAHAHAH! As I was walking along basement with Best Friend and Nelson, Best Friend, Nelson & I could not take our minds off the shirts. Then we went up again and bought the shirts! Same colour ㅎ.ㅎ ANYWAY Trained home with Best Friend walked in the graveyard AGAIN And. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. ): Korean homework and theory awaits. ): KILLJOY, - Leave me in this eternity with you by my side, 라벨: white noise 화요일, 10월 09, 2007, 11:29 오후
` 783; -![]() Would you take me away into somewhere far away Just appearing never disappearing You came to my bedroom one winter night Stroked my face Covered me with a blanket and then you were gone back into the night to the glitz and glamour of your work Suddenly I see your reflection in the mirror Illuminated by the doorframe Softly smiling Now the autumn leaves are blowing back up into the sky I just want to fall asleep with you in my arms We believe in this perpetual love, 라벨: poem 11:18 오후
` 782; -Girlfriend Joyce came to school today (: & she happily got herself lost. We met Best Friend at Bowen and walked (yes, WALKED) home. In the sweltering heat. ): Went out with Joyce to AMK and then met Darren & Sylvia at Toa Payoh. Walked around a bit and then went for korean class. Girlfriend didn't go with me for korean this term ): And we didn't get Miss Yoo ): But our new teacher is quite nice, Miss Lee :D Anyway only 10 of us from the original class were left. BOO. - One more day to playtime. <3 Lord, You know I love You More than life. 라벨: white noise 월요일, 10월 08, 2007, 10:28 오후
` 781; - No need any introduction, the 2nd love of my life; Mr Jeong Ji-hoon ♥♥♥♥♥ *MUACK* HE'S THE CUTEST, PERSONALITY AND ALL ♥ I LOVE YOU! :DDDDDD *SAVEDSAVEDSAVED!* 라벨: Rain 9:59 오후
` 780; - the 1% theoryI have a theory about the world. I was just talking to Fedora just now when she was here. I'm sure that everyone is lacking something - that 1%. Like, take a person who is rich, handsome and he's a star and something like that. However, he feels like he has no purpose in life, no God, no girl he could make a wife (although he has millions after him) and no prospect. That 1% - God, girl, no future. Another example: Take me. I am relatively stable in wealth, my physique is considerable (although I love my shoulders), my hair and face shape is okay, I have God, but the only thing lacking for me is my complexion when I'm suffering at THAT stage of puberty ): That 1%? My complexion. When I have that, I think I'll be 100%. That's for the worldy stuff, but spiritually, I have 100% because I have God right here with me. (: - Give me one more chance to be near you (yet again) When you're the only chance I'll take, & when the time comes when you take my hand and run with me down the slope mean it when you say hey I'll never ever let you go. 라벨: introspection 1:27 오후
` 779; - RETURNER~闇の終焉~私が壊れることを約あるまで、堅く私にしがみつ あなたはあまりにも遠く... 私は私の破損を見通すことができなかった、出動し、捜す... ますので、あらかじめごを通過させて永遠の眠りにつく... Hold me tight, like I'm about to break You were just too far away I called out for you, but couldn't see through my tears Please let me pass through to this eternal sleep 라벨: white noise 일요일, 10월 07, 2007, 7:52 오후
` 778; -After SA2 (not in order of importance) 1) Hang out with the CG 2) Go on a crazy shopping spree that will drive mom siao 3) GROW GROW GROW 4) Go out with Girlfriend Joyce <3 5) Hit the gym with Girlfriend (THUNDER THIGHS AHOY) 6) Serve in ministry moreandmoreandmore 7) Watch the setting sun together with B4 8) Go for extreme makeover (esp. face. OUT GROW!) 9) Watch Hwang Jin Yi with Girlfriend 10) Go to Peninsular Plaza 11) 12) Get BFF tshirts 13) SERVE MORE IN CHURCH :D 14) Buy rings with Best Friend :D 15) Buy dogtags with "Jesus Freak" on it with Best Friend & Joel 16) Go crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. 라벨: blabber 9:18 오전
` 777; -I don't understand why. I can't understand our school culture. 1. When you're different, teasing and backstabbing and gossiping comes to you like a torrent of salt water when you're covered with cuts instead of them coming over to you with antiseptic. 2. When you're just hanging out with your guy friend, just having a casual conversation, and the whole school thinks you're out making out with him or something. 3. People choose to believe one person's words about a certain person before talking to them. - After I wonder about these things, God suddenly put in my heart "Daughter, that's all human nature." Pastor was preaching about the River becoming polluted yesterday. And then I was all, "BINGO!" What held Heart of God Church together is the Spirit of God, we build the atmosphere of no bashing, gossiping and stuff like that. Instead, we encourage everyone regardless of attitude and looks... I guess that's the essence of HOGC. Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship. And to be a good Christian, we must go against human nature Love God, Love Others. God's in the process of changing and moulding Naomi... Can't wait to see the final result :D 라벨: introspection 토요일, 10월 06, 2007, 11:23 오후
` 776; - encounter"Lord, what would I be like in the future?" "Don't be fooled by appearences now, daughter. Song of Solomon 7:1 - 9." "Yes Lord." *flips* "1 How beloved are your feet in sandals, O prince's daughter! The curves of your thighs are like jewels The work of the hands of a skilful craftsman. 2 Your navel is like a rounded goblet Which lacks no blended beverage. Your waist is a heap of wheat Set about with lilies. O.O - "Lord, how would You use me?" "Daughter, Habakkuk 1: 1-5" *flips* "2 O Lord, how long shall I cry And You will not hear? Even cry out to You "Violence!" And You would not save. 3 Why do You show me iniquity And cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me There is strife; and contention arises 4 Therefore the law is powerless And justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous Therefore perverse judgement proceeds. 5 Look among the nations and watch - be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Whic you would not believe, though it were told you. My God is an awesome God. 라벨: God, introspection 9:16 오후
` 775; -Listening to Rain's Shanghai Concert which is NOW. A LOT OF SCREAMING. I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ): 라벨: Rain 금요일, 10월 05, 2007, 10:04 오후
` 774; - dreamsI love SON DAM BI! :D Son Dam Bi - Cry Eye I so want to be like her :D & Lee Hyori too! Lee Hyori - Anymotion Both equally matched... but Lee Hyori is more of the "smexy" part which I don't think I'll be comfortable in... God will show a way :D 9:24 오후
` 773; - Studied today with the whole CG :D Thank you Fedora for treating me PASTAMANIA! :D Weekiat is so ANNOYING. ): He ah. I stand at the bus stop next to him he purposely ignored me until he got into the car then wave at me ): I'm so going to get you for this. ;D Hannah was so patient that she taught Weekiat POA for 3 STRAIGHT HOURS *claps* &&. The librarian had perpetual PMS. She kept reprimanding us that we should shut up when we weren't actually talking at all And told Hannah off for teaching Weekiat; and that they should have discussions outside the library. And being teenagers, we ignored her ;D Then Fedora went off to BILLY BOMBERS ): Went to Hannah's house where we had YUMMY PORRIDGE! We all felt so tight-knitted like a family... Sylvia dropped the bottle cap into her bowl of porridge and I was worse. I dropped my whole cup into the bowl ): Bussed home with Weekiat and Chelsea. Weekiat and I raced to press the traffic light button & he WON ): HE OWES ME. :D ON TUESDAY; JOYCE DARLING IS COMING TO PICK ME UP AND WE'RE GOING TO SKS TOGETHER <3 ON WEDNESDAY, I'M GOING OUT WITH THE CG! THEY'RE PICKING WEEKIAT AND I UP :D ANYWAY. CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW'S IMPROMPTU THING ;D HOGC! <3 라벨: white noise 10:58 오전
` 772; - & i won't deny You.I won't deny You (x4) Come on now everybody (Make your voice heard) You've got to everybody (Make your voice heard) Time is tickin People are sneaking down away far from God Far from God (There's no other way I will never leave now How could I ever stop thinking about the dream) (chorus) I won't deny You They can push me off the edge but I I won't deny You They can try to blind me with their lies I won't deny You This I shout because I know You oh God I won't deny You I won't deny You Come on now everybody (Make your voice heard) Showin love to everybody (Make your voice heard) Time is tickin People are sneakin Down away far from God Far from God (There's no other way I will never leave now How could I ever stop thinking about the dream) (chorus) (Yo Now's the time to make your voice heard Start to speak about the true God Go shout Don't judge Make your voice heard) (Chorus) - & THIS I SHOUT BECAUSE I KNOW YOU OH GOD. <3 라벨: white noise 목요일, 10월 04, 2007, 8:32 오후
` 771; -& I'LL OFFER THIS HEART OH GOD COMPLETELY TO YOU <3 라벨: white noise 8:28 오후
` 770; -& how I love you so. <3333 라벨: white noise 수요일, 10월 03, 2007, 4:31 오후
` 769 ; - graveyard shiftWeekiat: "Don't you bathe when you go home. You'd be stinky." Naomi: "No I bathe only at night like around 6 incase I need to go out again." Edward: "She has a point. Even if you bathe early or you don't, Gor, you still smell." Taken yesterday as I was ghostbusting with Weekiat and Edward. On the way of walking me home I wanted (whined, rather) on going to the Japanese Cemetry and Weekiat relented. (He also want to go there lor.) We walked, and talked about crap and our Very Interesting Lives and Visions. I knew more about them and made a pact to go shopping with the CG in, oh, sometime soon. (: New insights, new friends, new observations. Simply divine in a time like this. ![]() Walked around examining the graves and looking solemnly at the gravestones - it's a park of pure bliss and serenity, great for long, stoic walks without disturbance. Memories of certain things came back as I remembered the place where I studied for PSLE, and cried to myself when I was at that "emo" stage. Examined gravestones and Edward walked alongside us as Weekiat and I talked about how we're going to be buried or cremated or whatever (!) and talking about the future - something so vague, so far yet catching up on us like a predator to its prey. I'm only 15, the future seems so uncertain. For now, I have to live up to heavy expectations and garner good grades before talking about something so obscure. I know what I want to do with the future but wait. I have great ambitions and dreams that God could bring me to - if only I'd put in my share of the effort. Do YOU have a definite destiny to aim for? Not tomorrow, but for the next ten to twenty years? I cannot really see myself getting attached, married, starting a family, preaching to a crowd, performing for millions of people, and me happily gambolling in university. I am lost, hopefully only for now. Oh the horror and excitement. Two more months to the end of another school year. It seemed like just yesterday when I first stepped into my new class next to the chimney and sat beside people I don't know. Sometimes time just runs too fast for me to catch up and embrace it. - All that I know, is that you can't go far in life If you keep bearing grudges that do you no good. I've never even talked to you before, And how'd you expect the whole world to suit your liking. Maybe you should just start studying yourself and forget that we (don't) even know each other. I've said it, and I'll say it again, in case YOU don't understand english: It's NO USE, I REPEAT, NO USE. So give up on that already. 라벨: introspection, pictures 월요일, 10월 01, 2007, 9:04 오후
` 768; -For God said, "I'll carry you and put your burden on my shoulders. That's when I died for you." Life has been good. Except for peeling face because of medication. People, new friends have been streaming into my life like red hot ants. Isn't that bad a thing. till then, adieu. 라벨: white noise 12:04 오전
` 767; - the fanSometimes life is so unfair. It's some unknown, obscure artiste to you, but to the guy in sandals, Hang Ten polo tee buttoned all the way to the top, and a Casio strapped around his wrist, she is practically the world to him. He knows everything about her, from her lyrics to the brand of perfume she uses. He wants a signed copy of her CD, knowing that it would be of value one day, which was to come. One day is now, and he longs for her autograph. He wants something of her, even her fingerprint to be on the jewel case, like a ink blot. Proof that it has been somewhere close to her. He wants more than autograph, but he'll wait, like all her songs say. He sings along even though he was the only one in the crowd, to show that he knows her heart, her soul, her life. He knows everything, and he could, (he thought) that he could satisfy her wants and needs. He has studied and memorised her down to the last bar, the last rest. He understands. If only she'd consider him. Because, he's the good guy, the guy (or so he thought) who would give her Every. Single. Thing. Her songs would no longer be about unrequited love nor limited passion. If only she'd consider him. He'll change her soundtrack when he changes her life. But she won't choose him. Because he has bad facial hair, imperfect skin, thick glasses, wears a Casio and Hang Ten. Life is never fair. 라벨: fiction |