so we'd spread love like violence; ♥
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♥ rai·son d'ê·tre (rā'zōn dět'rə,) {존재 이유}n. pl.reason or justification for being or existence 나는
![]() naomi jung 서여정, 三浦 なおみ 29 june 1992 ngee ann poly mass communications Rorsharch ink blot Pianist J Tune Entertainment & ooooh, Rain 비 = ♥
Heart of God Church ♥ b41
/more about me 나의 남편!
정지훈/Rain/Jihoon - the husband. 용어
Ajumma (아줌마) : Auntie 할말!
♥ Heart Of God Church 명사
♥ Abingdon Boys School 블로그
Blogs I read: 주크박스
11월 2005 12월 2005 1월 2006 2월 2006 3월 2006 4월 2006 5월 2006 6월 2006 7월 2006 8월 2006 9월 2006 10월 2006 11월 2006 12월 2006 1월 2007 2월 2007 3월 2007 4월 2007 5월 2007 6월 2007 7월 2007 8월 2007 9월 2007 10월 2007 11월 2007 12월 2007 1월 2008 2월 2008 3월 2008 4월 2008 5월 2008 6월 2008 7월 2008 8월 2008 9월 2008 10월 2008 11월 2008 12월 2008 감사
Layout: vehemency |
월요일, 12월 31, 2007, 3:14 오후
` 915; - the year in briefMerry New Year to the me that is you. I still remember. Last year in Parkview Square, worshipping God and then ushered in 2007 with that. This year went by pretty fast, I reckon. This was the year I transformed my hair with Tori Amos-worthy bangs, discovered contact lenses, got the worst acne attack of my life, attended Rain's concert (WOOT!), and really really grew in character and spirit. Abs-olutely gorgeous. :3 I lost friendships, and gained a whole lot more. One friendship disintegrated, and through that, I started to draw closer to God and to church. I mean, I'd rather give that up than miss everything God has in store for me. Hougang Sec acclerated, and I gained a Best Friend in the process (: We moved from FTMS to Singpost! :D Bigger and better, got direct bus! Financial-wise, I felt that I've gotten richer in the fact that my allowance was upped by $10. And that I can give my tithe, offering, and still save. Awesome. Thanks to the father who forced me to attend all those financial planning talks. Socially, I've been relatively successful. Made a Best Friend, and got many people who think that I was a crude arse to church. Started Korean class and met Joyce. Met Debrah through livejournal. (Going to) meet Ling! tomorrow with Mahdi. Got to know a lot of church friends better. Personally, I think I fair okay. My resolution was to get clear skin and be more... well, womanly (that happened because Weekiat was complaining that I yell in his ear and that irritates him, and when I got a sore throat and was forced to speak like Yun Xian, he was all, "Stay that way."). So far I've managed to get okayokay skin (have to wear concealer to cover up the pigmentation though), and managed to lower my voice from a foghorn to loudhailer. And my fashion sense started to improve. People say I dress better now. From this: to this: Well. I shall think about my New Year's Resolutions and post it again tomorrow or something, I guess. 라벨: incoherency, introspection 12:00 오후
` 914; - made a broken generation dance againI hate weird dreams. Just yesterday (as in last night yesterday), I dreamt of me and C AGAIN, but this time we were on the bus holding hands, then suddenly HANNAH appeared, saw us and started talking. Then she alighted at KHATIB and then C changed to JOE CHENG (the guy in ISWAK) and we alighted at BOON LAY MRT station, just RIGHT on the platform! And Rain came up to us and started fighting with him! ): And last night, I dreamt that I was married to Joe Cheng (seriously I didn't think of him at all, and I have no idea why he suddenly popped up), and I was like, er, pregnant. And the next thing I knew, I had 3 children already and I haven't named them! And my mom was all, "Oh we named them already with Joe." And their names were all starting with JOE! I remember the names were Joelle, Joanne, and Joevel. And I was practically screaming "WHY NEVER WAIT FOR ME! SIAN!" Then I was whisked to a place in China with B4. Joe was with me, of course. And then my maid happily sauntered into my room and woke me up. * Nonsense aside, I was talking to Gabrielle yesterday on MSN. That woman is super funny. She wants to get married at 37! -.- And we were talking about building the church, and how blessed our lives were after accepting Christ. We were talking about our schools as well! She wants to serve God, I want to be a part time pastor. What a powerful friend I have man :D Liane shared with the whole Chinese Orchestra during dinner before. "Pastors told God that, they will be responsible for every single soul that comes into the church. They told God that they would preach their best, they will ensure everything turns out to be the best. If that soul walks out of the church with a closed heart, iniquity would not be on their heads as they do not open their hearts to recieve God." WOW. Lord, I am liable for every single person in Hougang Sec. If they do not open up their hearts to see You in me, I can't do anything, only You can. Iniquity will not be on my head then. Same goes to us in HOGC in HS. God, here we are, send us. We're the Freedom Generation, living for revival in this school. We will have our own story to tell. We are the Dream Team. Revival School. That's what they're calling this place. 라벨: God, introspection, school, vision, white noise 일요일, 12월 30, 2007, 12:28 오후
` 913; -The Beginnings Of Leadership; Vision 2008. I can't wait. 2010, 3000 members. 2012, Bible School. 2015, the prime of our church. I calculated, and by the time Bible School starts, I'm already 20!!! YAY, no more Parental Objection. And by 2015, I'll be 23! Prime Time babyyyy. Accelerated. Replicate. Lead. 라벨: introspection 12:01 오전
` 912; - accelerated; still,Truly, truly, we have accelerated in the past year. Youth: 500+ to 1111 Hougang Sec: 2 to 6, 7 integrations!!! We just need to push furthur. Both push and P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens. Something clicked within me during service just now, when Pastor How was talking about our vision for 2008, The Beginnings of Leadership. I was just praying to God to reveal to me what I would be during Pastor's sermon, and now this came out. I need more wisdom, and character. Oh, please God I desire for those like I long for You. I am nothing, nothing, just a mere teenage girl with nothing at all. Use me, take me and mould me in the process, for I surrender everything to You. Hard Work + God = Success. It's as simple as that. Everything is not mine, I am not me. His life in mine. 라벨: introspection 금요일, 12월 28, 2007, 1:05 오전
` 911; -WOW it's the 911th post! Something significant is coming! & I'm going to blog about someone special. * Even though I've only been under her for 2 weeks, I felt that I've grown a lot, spiritually. She's great. I'm going to observe, and learn a lot from her. A LOT. She's none other than the one and onlyyy... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PANG CHEW THENG! :3 I love you much much leaderrrrrr! Okay la I shall not be mean. Shall post glam picture of you :D :D I LOVE YOU CHEW! 27!!!!!!!!!!! 12:44 오전
` 910; -Rehersal in church today was the love. Keesiaoing with the choir, Chinese Orchestra, Hearts Symphony, Third Day and Dance Ministry was FUNNEH. Irritating Colin kept brandishing his camera and taking unglam pictures of us. ): && I realised I have a lot of unglam pics! HAHA Zilin's face like wanna kena SEPAK xD Colin too :3 I mean, seriously, today's rehersal was the best yet. Anointing, whatever, WOW. Loving it, loving God. Bussed home with Sylvia. Thanks for sending me home. I love you. :D 라벨: church, white noise 목요일, 12월 27, 2007, 11:02 오전
` 909; - Truly, 2007 was a year, an amazing year of acceleration. In the beginning of this year, I was still a lukewarm Christian, with me hanging over a precipice when I want to make decisions. And during the year, especially Easter, something just clicked, and like a foot to the accelerator of a Ferrari, I was plunged into the wind of revival in Hougang Sec, ministry, and just simply growing in God. Exhilarating, really. As this year draws to a close, I can't wait what the next year has in store, for me, B4, B & C Zone, Heart of God Church, Hougang Sec, Singapore, and the world. Gear up people. 라벨: introspection 수요일, 12월 26, 2007, 10:54 오전
` 908; - Goodbye, lovely darling Rain. Hello, heart of God church :3 Thanks Darren for guidance, Eric for the gorgeous photo of HOGC. (: Loveeeeeeeee. Took about 4 hours yesterday and today to create this :3 I is satisfied :3 라벨: white noise 12:04 오전
` 907; -Sometimes, I feel that I'm not worthy, not worthy enough, to be a leader. Expectations, can I live up to them? I pick up my bible and I move on. she look out the window 라벨: white noise 화요일, 12월 25, 2007, 1:37 오후
` 906; -I'm probably the only sadist sod who's studying on Christmas. 라벨: white noise 11:57 오전
` 905; -Window - Shirlyn Tan She looked out the window And she saw a million stars shine upon the house she sits in Searching through her memory And she saw a little girl crying alone in the dark She looked out the window and She saw a naked man dying in the sunset Her eyes were shining like stars And the sky was falling While she was crying Before he died How she tried to make things right She looked out of the window And she saw a lonely bird flying away from love lost Searching through her memory And she saw a pair of eyes peering into solitude She looked out of the window And she saw a pair of hands holding her future Her eyes were shining like the stars And the sky was falling While she was crying Before he died How she tried to make things right What did she see you ask me I couldn't understand the tongue she spoke When i found her Wild was her hair in the night In the night Her eyes were shining like stars And the sky was falling While she was crying Before he died How she tried to make things right She looked out of the window * She is one of the best local acts. loveeeeeeeee much. ♥ 라벨: music review 1:35 오전
` 904; - " The greatest thing in all my life is knowing you. The greatest thing in all my life is knowing you. I want to know you more. I want to know you more. The greatest thing in all my life is knowing you... The greatest thing in all my life is loving you. The greatest thing in all my life is loving you. I want to love you more. I want to love you more. The greatest thing in all my life is loving you... The greatest thing in all my life is serving you. The greatest thing in all my life is serving you. I want to serve you more. I want to serve you more. The greatest thing in all my life is serving you..." Who says we need the most complicated and extravagant words to describe our love? 라벨: white noise 1:13 오전
` 903; -Thank you Bestie for letting me go onto the car and thus allowed me to go home early. Much love. ♥ && thank you Samantha, Chew, Daryl, Fedora, Shermaine, Joyce Tan, Bellrarie, Thea, Gabrielle, Hannah, Sushian, Lynn, Roy, Chek Yeow, Ian, Weekiat, Desiree, Lucinda, Ly, Ivan, Darren, Sister Alicia and Boxue for the Christmas gifts, cards, and wishes. I love you all to the max. ♥ * I was reading Samantha's blog a few days ago and I noticed someone called "-" who posted on her tagboard. "UH, thats useless, not powerful. I come from a traditional church and well, don't you all seem so flamboyant about Him ? He's not something you advertise on a website,but something we keep safe and tight in our hearts. And, you're probably great as yourself, why want to replicate your pastor? Good Luck." When I first saw this, I felt sorry for the person, whoever he or she is. He/she has definitely not experienced the full blown power of God. I mean, she refered to God as "something." God is not a SOMETHING, He is a SOMEONE. Basically, if you've found the cure for cancer, obviously you wouldn't keep it to yourself. You'd immediately go and shout in Speakers' Corner or something, to proclaim the vital cure that would save millions of trillions of lives. It would be a medical breakthrough! Similarly, Jesus Christ is a cure for a type of cancer - Spiritual Cancer. Of course you will go and tell the world about it! And replicating our pastors is a good thing. I want their hunger, I want their heart, I want their passion. We're not copying them fully, we just want their zest, their needness for God. I just felt I needed to post this because it's gnawing at my heart for a few days now. 라벨: introspection 월요일, 12월 24, 2007, 11:14 오전
` 902; -![]() Yesterday was the love. Went to Marina Square after church, and it was awesome. Remembered ordering this humongous fish from the Korean Stall and made Boxue regret eating Subway earlier. Best busride home ever. * When I was in Primary School, I was the ultimate TOMBOY. No kidding. ![]() It's not just the short hair, the gawky boyish figure, scarred legs, and unfeminine ways. I was in leaders camp and hung out with the guys in class and during recess. The one thing I appreciate in relationships with guys is that they are wonderfully uncomplicated. Ironic but true. They don't gossip (well sometimes they do), they are not petty, they don't have hidden meanings in anything they say, they don't get jealous of other people's looks (at least they don't show it anyway). They don't play mind-games, show any nonsense, and most importantly, WYSIWYG. What you see is what you get. That is one of the reasons why 5 of my 7 best friends are guys. I'm generalising, not saying that all guys are like that. I remember feeling really comfortable in everything I say and do. As we grow older, many people tend to take things to heart. Perhaps it's the outward expressions we so freely give away. Guys have this penchant of not saying anything when there's this whole barrage of emotions within them; emotions within feel so alien in them that they cannot put it into words. The best thing we could do is speak the truth. I think sometimes I come across that I hold a Ph.D in interpersonal skills or whatever. Don't be decieved. (: * I had this scary dream last night involving J, K and Best Friend. It was so scary until I forgot the dream. But I know it happened. Best Friend, remember to keep your promise. 라벨: introspection 12:24 오전
` 901; -![]() :D 라벨: Rain 일요일, 12월 23, 2007, 1:54 오전
` 900; -Mom's hooked on blogshopping. Wow. $150 worth of new clothes from Kimchi Land coming my way around next year :D & I'm going shopping with Weekiat, Nelson, Sylvia and (Chew?) on Tuesday hopefully. If "baobei's" mother allows him to go out with us that is. (Get the joke? Okay you don't. HAHA) And if I have the moolah. Oh I can clear my wardrobe because my clothes are all super old/doesn't fit me anymore. HAHAHAH. Oh mann I sound like a materialistic person ohno. Shopping is not sinful. ): I have to chiong Christmas cards to Charleston, Ivan, Denise, Sushian, Nicholas, Deleon, Junhao, Terence, Weichao, Ian, Sinfei, Gonghua, Bingrong, Nadine, Pearlene, Meixin, Chek Yeow, Liane, Chiwen, Edward, Lynn, Lynn Yap, Esther, Angelina, Colin, Valerie, Peijun, Joyce, Xinjie, Jieru, Alvin, Lucinda, Uncle Chen and many many more. Oh may the force be with me D: Loveeeeeee Jesus. 라벨: white noise 금요일, 12월 21, 2007, 11:47 오후
` 899; - heartfinderI don't always hide things from people. I seem to wear my entire emotions on my sleeve, where it gets brandished around, like a debate trophy for best speaker you have on your piano. When I meet people, I get transparent with them, I reveal myself to them step by step. Sometimes that is a stupid and bad thing to do. It was a futile attempt to connect with the other person; at times it'll lead to you being minced by your own words. So you sit in the rubble, confused, betrayed and lost; wondering what the dickens happened to you in that split second. Naturally this lesson learnt will form a layer on your heart, making knowing you better even harder. Gradually layer after layer will form a cuticle of hardened skin, and it's up to someone to peel off the layers, allowing the sunlight to be tangible yet again in your sunless mind. Mmmm. 라벨: introspection 12:45 오전
` 898; -![]() :3 THIS IS GOING TO BE GOOD. (: 라벨: Rain, speed racer 12:09 오전
` 897; -I was speaking to Chew last night on the phone. She told me lots of things to enable me to grow. "Why not you take note of this date, December 2007. And you look back on this date when you're a leader, leading, oh I don't know, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30. And you'll say, "Oh, how immature, how self-centered, how narrow my thinking was." But one thing in the kingdom of God is that you never stop growing, even when you're a pastor." That impacted me a lot. I'm going right back to the start, loving Him like a child, loving Him all over again. - ![]() rOooOOoooOOoOOOOOOoooXCkS gogogo watch it! :3 Plot was great, graphics was awesome, stellar cast was well.... stellar. :D Weekiat and I went to City Hall today :3 Met Boxue, and we got lost. So in short (and long, rather), Samantha, Shermaine, Jun Hao, Fedora, Weekiat, Yaoyang (he came later), Boxue and I watched the movie. Funny Incident #1: Weekiat and I were on the train to City Hall and he was sending a message to his friend about what show we were going to watch later (we actually wanted to watch Alvin & the Chipmunks). Weekiat: "Naomi ah, how to spell chipmunk?" And the funny thing is, on the phone screen I saw he had typed ChipMONK. And I was telling this to Boxue, we were outside the theatre, and SUDDENLY we saw this monk walking into the theatre and we started laughing! Naomi: "Maybe he wanted to watch Alvin and the Chipmonks." Funny Incident #2: Fedora, Junhao and I were at Joshua's dinner. Suddenly Weekiat called. Weekiat: "So, is Joshua a Jew?" HAHAHAHAHAHAH SUPER NO LINK. -.- So, in summary, GO WATCH IT. 라벨: b4, growth, introspection, movie 수요일, 12월 19, 2007, 8:36 오후
` 896; -Reputation is what you're supposed to be. Character is what you are. Reputation is a photograph. Character is your face. Reputation is what you have when you come to a new place. Character is what you have when you go away. Reputation is learned in an hour. Character will not come to light in years. Reputation is made in a moment. Character is built in a lifetime. Reputation grows like a mushroom. Character grows like an oak. Reputation is defined by a newspaper report. Character is built by a life of toil. Reputation makes you poor. Character makes you happy or miserable. Reputation is what men say about you. Character is what the angels say about you to God in heaven. - Bill Wilson; Whose Child Is This? 라벨: introspection 12:48 오전
` 895; - CG restructure today, was placed under Chew Theng. Can't wait. For she headed the Nan Chiau High revival. Not bad eh, Nan Chiau quite near Hougang Sec. I'll be the next Candy. :D MORE OF YOU OH LORD. - Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee Jesus. Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee you. 라벨: b4, cg, church, white noise 월요일, 12월 17, 2007, 11:34 오후
` 894; -OMGOMG. SPEED RACER TRAILER. JIHOON. RED STREAKS IN HAIR. I AM DELIRIOUS :3 라벨: movie trailer, Rain 10:56 오후
` 893; -When someone tells me about the death of someone I know yet do not know at the same time, my emotions are suspended in perptual limbo. Just saw the news of Miss Tan Kah Hiang's passing on Fong Yee's blog. Even though I did not talk to her in school, and the only times I've seen her I'd bow to her respectfully, and she'll acknowledge the bow with a small smile. Still, death is a great teacher. It's just too harsh. I remember when I was young, I would turn over to the obituary page, look at the faces, and think, "One day I'll end up like that. But before that, I want to change the world step by step." Sure. Now I still turn over to the obituary page, I stare hard at the faces. Some young, some old, but all of them willing to give anything just to live, even for a day more, to just experience the joys of life again. Oh, how strong that longing must be to trade their position with some emo kia who's busy moaning and groaning how life must suck so badly and try to slash themselves with pencils/pins/knives/what have you, hoping that they slice an artery and bleed to death. It's just the little things that matter in life sometimes. Moral of the story? Don't take things for granted, for God created them and you. 라벨: white noise 일요일, 12월 16, 2007, 11:36 오후
` 892; - & how I love you so![]() This made my day. How I love you guys so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, x infinity & hearts; B4, till the end, <3 라벨: b4, church, love, picture post 8:15 오후
` 891; - in my mindPiano recitals today. ![]() Met Yu Jun(: HELLO (: - Sometimes, it's just the people whom you respect that fail you the most. You have known that person for long, since, say, Primary 5. She has been your role model. Great looks, figure, personality, wealth and a handsome husband to boot. He drives her around in a flashy Mercedes-Benz and seemed to fufill their marriage vows; "For richer or for poorer, till death do us part." Until recently, she tells you not to address her as Mrs any longer. She's divorced, she says, without any hint of sadness nor shock in her pristine mask. Call her either aunt, Ms, or teacher. You sit there in shock, her perfect image of herself within you shattered by a bit. Until now, she appears, without any hint of discomfort, holding hands with a stranger, and smiling at you. "Oh proceed in the studio," she animatedly says, looking at Mister Stranger with a look normally reserved for significant others and not noticing the flicker of your eyebrow trying to keep in the shock, and saying with a sweeter tone this time, "try the keys. The instrument isn't that good, so please play it with a bit more force this time." You nod. You end up playing horribly. Those who heard the news or saw anything played horribly too. Some people harbour depression. I harbour the depression of others. - I just love it when it rains. It's like almost in a movie where everything becomes serene and perfect and you gasp with the intense intimacy you suddenly seem to have with God and nature, like with a husband. I can stand at my window and look at the rain fall for hours. The stillness and the fog - covers up all the blemishes and unglamness where sunny days so blatently parade. - Now it's a time for surrender. & I surrender all to You When I'm weak, You're strong You're my feet when I can't move on You're the light in the dark You're the whisper inside my heart; I'm all for You 라벨: introspection, nostalgia 10:15 오전
` 890; -차기야, 보고싶어요. ): 나는 언제 너를 다시 만나는가 수 있이까? I remember the time you stared straight into my eyes, and that just made me smile. 우리가 서로 이을 것 을 나는 있있다. 나는 다만 침묵하 너가 나에게로 올것을 볼 것이다. OH *&#^(*%& it's not the time to get lovestoned naomi oh no it isn't. - I want to go NY and just throw my arms around someone and somewhere. Trust, you're never gonna leave 라벨: white noise 토요일, 12월 15, 2007, 11:39 오후
` 889; -I wanna go deeper But I don’t know how to swim I wanna be meeker But have you seen this old Earth? I wanna fly higher But these arms won’t take me there I wanna be I wanna be Maybe I could run Maybe I could fly To You Do you feel the same? When all you see is blame in me And the wonder of it all Is that I’m living just to fall More in love with You And the wonder of it all Is that I’m living just to fall More in love with You I wanna go deeper But is it just a stupid whim I wanna be weaker Be a help to the strong I wanna run faster But this old leg won’t carry me I wanna be I wanna be Maybe I could run Maybe I could fly, to You Do you feel the same When all you see is blame in me? And the wonder of it all is that I'm living just to fall More in love with You Maybe I could run Maybe I could follow It's time to walk the path Where many seem to fall Hold me in Your arms Just like any Father would How long do we have to wait? How long, we're going all the way And the wonder of it all is that I'm living just to fall More in love with You 라벨: introspection, song 금요일, 12월 14, 2007, 4:29 오후
` 888; -Whoo. Going to some atas function later. Some The Hour Glass Private Sales thingamajig. yeah, those that you see on magazines and Urban 8D and omgaWdzXzxzxZxzXzxZxxzxzXZ. Korean EXAM IN TWO HOURS TIME OKAY I NEED TO GO DRESS UP & MAKEUP & TRAVEL. byebye ): 라벨: idiosyncrasy 목요일, 12월 13, 2007, 11:30 오후
` 887; -VBS has ended. ): Like how Pastor Shearer has impacted Pastor How and Pastor Lia to learn more about God and in turn became pastors themselves, I have been more intense and interested in the Bible. It's no longer history, it's His Story. I've invited two juniors for Big Day! Won't tell you who they are, if you want to find out for yourself you're invited to tag along! :D Went out with Joey and Jodie after korean class, never mind that they're like 5 years older than me. Hoping to bring them for G Zone Big Day and had Sion talk to them in fluent korean. :D They really want to hang out with me more.Good sign :D I'm sorry that I'm talking incoherently now but I'm hyped. 5 of us. Esther, Angelina, Joel, Weekiat and I. Taking Hougang Sec by leaps and bounds and a single step. GROW, GROW, GROW. Isaiah 58:12 "Those from among you shall repair the old waste places, You shall raise up the foundations of many generations." 라벨: introspection 수요일, 12월 12, 2007, 11:00 오후
` 886; -![]() Life this week is like a pressure cooker, with lots of obstacles along the way, but God will not give you more than you have ever bargained for. VBS was awesome. Today Yassy and Soo Yee made 'planned chaos' for the Cafe. Yassy took a marker and started to scrawl on the glass and the tables and we had to clean up. Then they spilt water on the floor and smudged lipstick on the 13th floor girl's toilet mirrors. Whew. We learn and grow from difficult circumstances, yo. I asked for sunshine, you gave me rain, but I'M NOT COMPLAINING :D ![]() 라벨: white noise 8:48 오전
` 885; -Amazed and touched by You every single day. Take all of me. 라벨: white noise 월요일, 12월 10, 2007, 9:20 오후
` 884; -I'm tired. Today, the bus 76 driver cheated me of my bus fare! I was paying my fare with coins and he told me to tap my card And the money was deducted from there as well and I didn't know it until I reached home. RAWR. And due tothetimeofthemonth, hello pimple one, pimple two, pimple three and pimple four. They're forming this triangle shape on my forehead. And one is helping me go towards the image of a female Phua Chu Kang alr. Oh I love life. SPEAKING ABOUT LIFE:D I LOVE CHINESEORCHESTRA &&& GOD! <3 라벨: idiosyncrasy 9:07 오전
` 883; -I love You, I love You, I love You. Take all of me. 라벨: white noise 일요일, 12월 09, 2007, 11:08 오후
` 882; - a conversation about life.What are you going to do after you graduate? Go to JC and club I guess... and get a degree. After that? I dunno. Get a stable job and earn lotsa money. And? Well, settle down then... get married, buy a house, have kids. And after that? You mean after the kids grow up? Yeah. I guess I'll retire. And do what? Oh man... I don't know. Get old... travel... play mahjong and the stock market. That's a pretty long time for now I guess. And then? What do you mean? I mean... after when you're old. I guess I'll just get old and die like everyone else. And then what? * Without God, there's no life for me. I used to be like this. The same answers. Now, I have a purpose. Who says nothing's free anymore? 라벨: introspection 10:49 오후
` 881; -Roy came back to worship lead today(: Actually yesterday. But I didn't type it out. Well. Now it's just the focus on God and God alone. Sacrifice. The basic principle of faith. I have thought that I sacrificed much in the start. However, that's not just the end. That's just the beginning. Total sacrifice or no sacrifice at all. 라벨: white noise 토요일, 12월 08, 2007, 11:06 오후
` 880; -I'm still in awe of Pastors. I really feel that after VBS, I've really been growing and growing... Especially after Pastor Lia talked to us about planning our life, I have this urge to pick up a pen and make a list.. HAHA! Pastor Shearer was WOAH! :D I mean I actually understand and I love his preaching even though it may be chim. :D And I quote from Samantha: "Call me crazy, but I'm actually crazy about something." WOAH! Big Days... Christmas. Hougang Sec breakthrough. 라벨: white noise 금요일, 12월 07, 2007, 9:57 오후
` 879; -I found out this one thing about me. I appear to be an iron lady. Before love gets me. Like no guy could push me around. But when I like someone, everything he says, I'll try to do. That's what happens in the past anyway. I don't know about now. 라벨: white noise 8:50 오후
` 878; - gotta let it outUp till today, I have never realised how much Pastors love us. Call me ignorant if you wish, but truly, it is an eye opener for me. I mean, I've heard stories of how they've gone out with people and such, and I know that Pastor How and Pastor Lia both gave up high paying jobs just to build Heart Of God Church. I know all that. But I was all, "I have never felt anything at all." No thanks to all my previous churches who do not follow up with the people I bring, even to the point that they ignore the friends I bring totally. But today, today. During the third (and fourth) session of VBS, it was a guest speaker from America who spoke. I would not say who, but let's just say that most of us do not agree with his teachings and the way he carries out God's message. It may be that our cultures are diverse. I don't know. But he spoke (rather rudely, I shall say) to Pastor How and embarassed Charleston (our SZL!) in front of the church. During the break, Pastor How told us that maybe he doesn't carry the heart for the youth. Most adults despise us because they think that we can't think at all (when they themselves create complex systems that make their brains jammed), and we're too naive and stuff like that. That's when I was all, "Oh, Pastor really really loves us." I was crying and crying and found out Hannah was also crying. Anyhowso. Pastors really did a lot of things for us. Ministries. Saving us from dire straits. I mean, we could all be clubbing and be involved in BGR and all those nonsense. But Pastors really believe in us. I really thank God for directing me to Heart of God Church, and such loving Pastors. (: God bless! 라벨: introspection 목요일, 12월 06, 2007, 10:17 오후
` 877; - Your word speaks louder ![]() Today, like yesterday, and everyday, never ceases to amaze me. VBS by Pastor Shearer was mindblowing and chim. I manage to understand quite a number of things from him. I want to be in perfect character because I have the potential! :D Even though Cafe was chaotic today but it was better than usual... it's about the heart behind serving. It's just about others, others, others. Now I have 2 ministries, but I'm sure after planning my life right, I can be able to juggle 10 ministries like how Soo Yee does! Firstly I'd have to aim to be Cafe Captain... I have been lukewarm for so long but now I shall increase my capicity and diligence! And in Deco Ministry I'll one day have my own understudy... and soon, I'll be PTL and the first female drummer of Heart of God Church! &&&. Jacky was so FUNNY. Jacky: "Cheese, you must smile more!" Weekiat: *flashes HUGE GRIN* Jacky: "Yar, like that! Then those girls really swoon I tell you!" Naomi and Weekiat: "=.=" FUNNY LA SEH. Awesome. I love my church and when you come, I'm sure you'll love it too. :D - I feel like going shopping. I have an appointment with Ling!, Joyce and Debrah. BUT I GOT NO MONEY. ): Never mind. I want the top I saw with Weekiat at 77th Street and Topshop! ): ):):):):):):):):):):): Korean exam and Grade 8 practicals coming ohmyGaWdZxZxzxzXZxzxzZXZXZxzxzZx 라벨: white noise 수요일, 12월 05, 2007, 11:49 오후
` 876; -![]() Just finished this really really old Japanese drama called "First Love." Everyone thinks it's boring but I think it's okay as it evoked a lot of memories :S The storyline is that this girl, Kasumi, fell for her high school teacher, Nao, and apparently he likes her too. After school, they got together in a classroom and they kissed (original, eh?) And another girl who also likes Nao oversaw them and popped a bottle of pills in the locker room. Nao then resigns, and became a counsellor. Kasumi is then working in a wedding planning agency and... one day, Nao is her sister's fiance! They still harbour feelings for each other and to cut a long story short, Nao didn't marry the sister, he still went to Kasumi. And the sister is PSYCHO! I'm addicted to the song, Sakura Drops by Utada Hikaru. And I guess being an actress is not bad after all (: 라벨: reviews, white noise 9:24 오후
` 875; -![]() Everything You touch You change. And I've been changing. VBS was awesome, what can I say. It was the best thing that happened throughout this week, yo. Plan, plan, plan. I have to buy a planner for next year as my present planner is filled with my appointments and whatnot. I entered church today to see Weekiat and Joel doing the jobs of an usher. I felt this sudden surge of happiness within, like, "These are the people I brought... they're planted yo." AWESOME. OMG. I just typed this whole long blog post and blogger happily decided to sign me out. And now, being pissed I won't type it. So there. Rawr. FLOAT. FLOAT! MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHH! Bussed home with Sion and Weekiat. Love talking to them. (: 라벨: white noise 화요일, 12월 04, 2007, 5:15 오후
` 874; -[EDIT] This blog post is for Shereen. Because she bet that I wouldn't blog like how she blogs. Anyhowso. She's in Malaysia now and she finished her SPM :) But I still won't care about whether Rain is yours or not D: [/EDIT] What I wore during band concerttt: ![]() ![]() Omggg I feel so lianiishhh w0rhxzxzxzxzxz ;] Here's to you, Debrah <3 And! I've never seen my first love for very long, it's been about 3 years? I've visited him today with Karis and how big he has grown ): Presenting.... Mr Nibbles. ... ![]() Cute right <333 라벨: nonsense 월요일, 12월 03, 2007, 1:37 오후
` 873; - Note: Rain is NOT gay. <3 - ![]() Note to Jihoon: Er, who designed this logo? Looks like the thing that the Grim Reaper holds. It doesn't look good. Not at all. If the spikes signifies that you wanna break into the industry with a bang or something, no. Please change it. I'm starting to feel scared already. 9:57 오전
` 872; -Well, on another happier note... I talked to Chu Xian on the phone yesterday at around 12.30am after my QT. He can really remember all that nonsense! For example at Genting when I was about P4, Bernard punched Cherie in the chest. LOL. "Remember Bernard punched Cherie in the chest? Apparently she wasn't very developed yet but..." "Xian, they were fighting over me." "OMG details." "Cherie told Bernard to go away and stop disturbing me then he got angry." "OH MY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH." Crapped a lot, and reminisced about the past. "Remember we had to do a skit..." "Oh ya and you broke my bracelet." ... "So you and Bernard had this secret affair going on right. AHAHA that joker!" Well that summed it all up. I miss Nanyang Primary and I'm going back TODAY :D Ironically Weekiat was working at NYPS a few days ago :s I miss my Chinese Orchestra! Lim Rei and Ashlynna got 265 and DSA to RGS. O.o 라벨: white noise 일요일, 12월 02, 2007, 11:40 오후
` 871; - it's been something surreal![]() You. Yes you. You may not know that the main subject of what I'm writing is you but, listen carefully and closely. I don't know you at all. I only know you by name, and by your face. You have never spoke to me before. Maybe the only thing you know about me is that I like Rain and I'm an on fire Christian at my pretty church. Maybe that's about it. Well, all that I know is that I won't let your smallmindedness affect me and I'm already immune to it. I have my lovely church, zone, cg, Pastors, leaders, and my mega God to back me up. I won't mince my words, I'll say that I've tried to be nice to you, kept out of your way and even not thinking about what you would say to me next anymore. So you have no reason whatsoever to say anything about me, kamsahaminda. I don't know about you, but I've found the right place to be in. Where everyone is transparent to you and show you actual care and concern than the mask that you and your clique provide. If you, would just see others more than yourself, and start loving others instead of wallowing in your self-pity or depression or whatever nonsense, would the world become a better place? You said that your world is real. But the people I have with me now, have been changed by God and are definately more real than your-real-world. Personally, I think I'm an okay person. I have my blemishes in life, I'm not perfect, neither are you. But I guess it's your loss that you judged me even before you knew me, we'd become good friends. Okay that's all. Goodnight. I hope that I'll see you here soon. 라벨: rant, white noise 12:33 오전
` 870; -"Miss you, love you, or is it the other way around?" He whispered. "I don't know." "You get my point anyway, ye bbun yoja." I wish we could just take each other's hand, run along the snow white beach of Jeju Island and oh, lose ourselves in the majesty of what God created and watch sunsets. Wouldn't that be wonderful? #&*^(*#%&^ WHAT AM I WRITING. :s 라벨: white noise 토요일, 12월 01, 2007, 12:51 오후
` 869; - we could be so much better![]() Was at Pasir Ris Park yesterday with the zone (: Weekiat, Fedora and I came late as Fedora and I had meetings and Weekiat had work. But we reached there in time for food (: I love seeing the zone grow, more people just keep flooding in and yet we still remain good friends and even closer ones with the rest. We had fun, especially spinning Joel till he was almost going to barf on the carousel. Eric (Uncle Chen) and Weekiat took turns to push me on the flying fox and it was SCARY. Climbed with Eric on the Spider Web and sat on the top, talking about life, and sharing about our own. Walked on the beach back to the barbeque pit with Eric and Weekiat (: If it wasn't so dark, it would be super, super duper romantique. Eric said that when he turns of age (he's 18!), he'd bring his girlfriend and walk along the beach. Oh I wish that my boyfriend in the future would do that too. Boyfriend, someday, someday. Quote of the night: "You see lah, he so macho, so handsome, so suave, and when he does his 'thing', it all crumbles." - Tingwei Of course you know she's talking about Weekiat. Because he was busy doing his stupid "Ultra Duck" mambo and omg. I'm embarassed to be seen with the both of them man. 5 of us (Fedora, Weekiat, Joel, Ian and I) walked to the shorefront and started worshipping and praising. :D Love that. The swirls of the water breaking on your bare feet and covering you with sea spray... delightful. Went home at approx. 11.45 :O and Dad sent Wee home or not Wee's head will be barbequed :S Till then, B Zone, I love you guys. :D 라벨: white noise |